Chaper 3

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Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad after all

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Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad after all.
As I walked on a cobblestone path along the inner side of the outer protective wall I could watch students mingle. For some it wasn't hard to guess what kind of supernatural they were. Each of them had a certain atmosphere and look to them.

The one boy pulling his claws at another student was obviously a werewolf. But even without the claws I would have known. He matched the stereotype to a tee: thick brown hair, a golden tan, tall, muscular.

I already got the impression that without any powers I would be at a great disadvantage. I just hoped I could survive this without being sliced in two by razor sharp claws.

As I walked along the path I realized that I was finally free from my parents. Nobody knew who I was so nobody would question my lack of powers. I could just pass as a human. Even though these were rare around supernaturals as an intelligent being wouldn't put themself into harms way voluntarily.

A few meters ahead the path was going into a passage leading into the actual academy building.
In front of the entrance stood another woman with guards who directed other maids into different directions inside of the building.

The woman didn't look as nice as the one before. I guessed that this was what being stuck as a servant of this academy did to a person.

"Name" she asked when it was my turn. Great, she's full of sunshine.

"Aurora Beaufort, ma'am" I replied. She gave me a nasty glance as if checking if I was saying the truth.
"Beaufort" she read from her crinkled list.
"You're staying with me" she finally added.
No, what are you doing?

She raised her thin grey eyebrows in an expectant look and pointed to her right.
There was already a small group gathered and talking amongst each other.

Nobody seemed to be pleased with their imminent fate.
Especially realizing how even the guards stood a few feet away from the woman.

The other members of the group didn't look characteristically supernatural. Yet I didn't think that a lot of them could be human. Maybe they were just beings with lesser magic like me.

"Hey, what's your name?" someone asked cheerily. The person literally jumped onto my back and for a moment I considered punching them in the face with my elbow.
I held back though because I didn't want to be unfriendly on my first day.

It had been the right decision because when I turned I realized that the girl who just jumped me looked really nice. And I desperately needed friends if I was going to stay here for an extended period of time.

The girl who looked at me with wide eyes appeared to be a fairy.
She had light blond hair and wide sparkly blue eyes with long and thick lashes. Besides that she was pretty short just like me.

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