Chapter 52

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After that realization I wanted to be alone for a bit so you could guess the motivation I had left for finishing my tasks

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After that realization I wanted to be alone for a bit so you could guess the motivation I had left for finishing my tasks.

Finally, after an exhausting day I went downstairs to grab a bite to eat although my hunger was dimmed by my sour mood.
It wasn't even that I was angry, it was more so the feeling that I was scared.

I was scared that he was keeping things from me that would destroy all progress we had made.
Maybe I was interpreting too much into our relationship if he wasn't even trusting me with important information, on the other hand he had literally followed me into a dark hole full of the ghostly.

He was full of contradictions that increased the anxiety within me. Where were we standing right now?
He had told me that he loved me but I only knew whatever scraps he had reluctantly given me of him.

I only took a bun and an apple from the buffet and made my way back out. Daisy hadn't been in the dining room so I didn't bother making conversation with anyone.

When I arrived back in our dorm room the room was too empty to linger for long. My thoughts were all over the place so I chose to at least satisfy some of them by going to the library.
I changed into my school uniform but took the other one in a bag with me for safety.

Quickly I descended the stairs and made my way outside. While crossing the distance towards the student's entrance I ate the last bites of my apple before throwing it into a bush where maggots could eat it.

When I arrived in the library it was quiet, most students were probably eating right now or gossiping about everything that had been going on lately.

First I went to the row where I had found the last book about the star stones. Different magical items were explained that I hadn't ever heard of but I wasn't interested in those right now.
After all I was searching for books about the existence of hell.

To my dismay I came up empty, there was nothing even remotely touching the subject. Not surprisingly, since nobody believed in hell.
Maybe the whole topic was only a figment of my imagination...

But it could also be very real, so real that people were dying because of it.

It was true, nobody really believed in the existence of hell...
So maybe I was searching at the wrong place. Why would somebody put a book about a mythical place into the science section?

No, I needed to search for fiction.
The isle centering on fictional books was decorated a lot more joyfully. There were colorful notes sticking from some of the books, the signs that differentiated the different rows were colored in a bright blue color and the chairs to read were all green.
A stark contrast to the topic I was searching for.

In the row called "myths and folklore" I felt way more enthusiastic. Maybe this was where Ronan had found the book describing the hellhound as well.
And maybe he had already searched through all of these books researching hell and what I was doing was completely useless.

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