Chapter 8 Ro

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Ronan After my talk to the dean of the school I went back to my room

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After my talk to the dean of the school I went back to my room.
All of this talk about security meant nothing to me when I knew that the school was in no way safe at all.

From the first step I had taken on the property I had known that none of the measurements required with the dangers imminent had been taken.

More and more of 'the ghostly' had recently been spotted especially in certain areas. On of them was this school so safety was a priority now.
For the time being we were trying to figure out the reason for that before intervening.

Safe to say that the dean's torrent of speech with all kinds of words he probably didn't even understand hadn't convinced me.

I had been sent here to prepare the school for dangers and knew without a doubt it would be hard. The older students were trained decently but it still made me wonder if they would hold up against attacks.

With the purpose to change much of this I went back to my room to change before opening my first class.

As I opened the door I already smelled a sweet and refreshing scent like freshly cut fruit inside of my room. I recognized it from yesterday when I had encountered the awkward maid that had been the reason I'd slept on the floor the night before.

Not only the sight of somebody else sitting on my bed disgusted me. It was also the scent that had lingered on the pillow when I had tried to fall asleep. After about 30 seconds I'd abruptly stood up and had laid down on the floor.

The reasonable thing was to ask for an exchange of maids and I would probably do that when I had the time. For now I'd just watch her movements trying to judge her character. 

I hesitated before going inside.
'Don't hesitate. Never' i told myself.
I admit that when I came inside I waited for a second to let her know about my presence.

I watched her small frame kneeling on the ground next to the closet. Her ridiculously glossy dark brown hair had been pulled into a braid that resembled a crown. A few stray hairs escaped the braid and hung in wavy clumps onto her temples.

From my position in the door frame I could see her side profile with big hazel doe eyes, a straight nose and lastly a small delicately pointed chin.

Her loose gray dress had slightly risen up to reveal tiny black shoes and smooth legs.

I heard a quiet melody coming from her lips while she was folding some of my shirts. She paused for a second before resuming her task while humming. She probably was so deep in thought that she didn't even realize the change in atmosphere.

It was the moment that she tried to put the laundry into the basket next to my closet when she realized that she wasn't alone anymore.

She froze for a second before slowly putting the laundry down.

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