In a world where love had to be earned I would never be good enough. I was the black sheep in the family, the witch without magic.
While my sister excelled in every type of way I had to suffer in silence, tormented by the people I should ha...
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It was already deep at night when the announcement came from Ronan. "Only 10 groups didn't fail the last test" he spoke into the darkness, ultimately destroying a lot of dreams. Even the ones that hadn't believed in themselves had surely grown hope after passing the first round. And now he would squash that hope without remorse.
He one by one called out the groups that hadn't failed, separating them from the people that would be returning to their rooms now.
After six groups I'd become nervous. Our result had been good, right? So why hadn't he said our name yet? I stood on the grass trembling slightly from nervousness and the cold. Without the bonfires the air was cold, the cozy atmosphere long gone. After everyone had been done with eating the bonfires had slowly been extinguished and only the small torches on the walls illuminated the wide landscape in a soft light.
Ever shadow was enhanced. Not only the rows of the students that slowly lost hope of being selected, but also the shadows lurking around the walls and between the bushes.
I wrapped my arms around myself while trying to keep calm. I bet Blayze and Juliette were cuddling somewhere but I'd lost them at some point when they went inside to go to the toilet together. Only Lilac was somewhere close to me but I had no idea where exactly.
I heard a shriek next to me, ripping me from my thoughts. I put my concentration back towards Ronan instead of my internal pity monologue. I only heard the last part of his sentence but I recognized the name instantly. MY NAME!!!
Lilac grabbed my hand from the side. Of course she knew where I was with her enhanced vision. Potentially I would also be able to see better in the dim light if I was able to use my newfound ability but I hadn't tried it since finding out about it in my room.
What if it didn't work anymore and I'd have to admit that everything had been an illusion?
We jogged to the winning groups and positioned ourselves behind Ronan. Now standing opposite of the angry and jealous looking students, they were giving me a queasy feeling. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder and almost jumped into the sky. My elbow immediately swung backwards but it was caught in a strong hold.
"Great to know that your reflexes still work" I heard Blayze' voice. Juliette giggled a little in the background. "That's unfair, I can't see in the dark!" I whisper yelled. "Yeah, would hate to be you" Blayze said fake pitifully.
I playfully rolled my eyes and turned back around. Only ten more people joined us before Ronan closed his paper roll and raised his voice.
"The rest can leave now. You have failed" he stated coldly. Ouch, that had been awfully blunt.
After a moment it turned dark and I realized that he had extinguished his lamp.
"The third and last tournament begins now. Whoever isn't injured when the sun rises wins" he announced. I didn't hear him leaving but I was sure that the spot he'd just stood at was empty now.