Chapter 62

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"Are you okay?" I asked.
We were sitting on the ground and although we had been talking for a while his face was grim, telling me that something was wrong. His gaze was conflicted as if he didn't want to tell me what was going on but I didn't press.

After a moment he let out a sight, answering my prior question if he was alright.
"I know I told you that I didn't want to keep things from you anymore and I won't because I trust you" he said, his eyes not leaving mine.

Relieved I nodded. Although I was sure that the information wouldn't be good I was glad that I wouldn't be left in the dark anymore.

So I crisscrossed my legs on the ground, preparing myself mentally. It wasn't too hard though, after all nothing could shock me anymore.

With a slight smile I peeked up at him, wanting to reassure him.
And finally he spoke, extending his pinky towards my hand almost subconsciously.
Softly I grabbed his hand in mine, pulling it into my lap.

"There've been a lot of attacks recently and they're just getting more brutal every time. Back when we fought at the town a whole town being entirely wiped away was rare. Now it isn't anymore" he said grimly and I could tell that this was getting to him.

A thought made its way to my mind. He was practically made for the battlefield and he was a high ranked general, so wouldn't he want to return to the battlefield?
He had a life out there, aside from this tiny little academy.

But I didn't want to put that question into the room unnecessarily as it would only put more pressure on him to answer me.
I was sure that whatever was going on in his little head was already complicated enough and I didn't need to push my worries on him as well.

So instead I focused on the facts.
"Do you know why? Last time it seemed like there was no proper protection?" I asked while playing with his fingers.
His skin was rough and warm and somehow it felt oddly satisfying to follow the lines on his hand.

"How much do you know about politics and the borders?" He asked in return, catching me off guard.
"I tried to read the bulletin board in my village as often as I could but sometimes the news were limited" I said which wasn't a surprise since I had lived practically at the end of the world.

"There have been fights along the east and the south boarder for ages. In my early adolescence there were a few wars here and there but now it has mostly settled down. Still, a lot of our soldiers have been stationed there for decades. My father still has this great vision that the kingdom can expand and become wealthy again... He's clearly lost his touch though.
After he realized that neither the southern nor the eastern border worked my father has been trying on the northern boarder too" he stopped to see if I followed but I had known that much so I nodded.

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