Chapter 41

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"And suddenly you want to know everything about me" I said, grinning from ear to ear

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"And suddenly you want to know everything about me" I said, grinning from ear to ear.
It was funny, seeing how Ronan was genuinely interested in my powers without wanting to show it on his usually emotionless face. It hadn't escaped my notice that his expressions oftentimes seemed to get away from his tight control.
But after he had seen the raw me it was a relief to watch how his emotions were starting to unravel from his tight control, even if it was only briefly.

His words yesterday proved to me that his thoughts went far deeper than he led on. In some way he made me feel understood as if he felt similarly.

"I need to know for safety purposes" he mumbled in annoyance.

"So you're worried about me?" I asked, pulling at his strings further.

Right now, we were getting the training hall ready for class, all because like the good student that I was I had come in early. We were currently in the process of building a parkour which I found extremely fun. The only problem was that the changes and ideas I threw in were only making the parkour worse for me.

But why did a three meter tall wall suddenly seem like fun? At some point I had definitely forgotten that I still needed to complete this myself.

He mumbled something into his shirt while turning away from me. My brain was choosing to hear the word "always" but as a sane person I knew that it couldn't be right. But still, I felt embarrassed for even considering this option so I abandoned the topic before I would make a fool out of myself.

"I can't even use a bow" I complained to him.

"Maybe Lilac will teach you" he scoffed grumpily. Fine, maybe I had overdone the teasing a little. But hearing him react in this way satisfied an urge in me. It was like it was propelling me to rile him up, just to gauge his reaction like he was the most interesting person in the world.

"Or you teach me before the others come and I embarrass myself?" I proposed, innocently shooting stars from my eyes as if I hadn't just annoyed him to no end.

He didn't answer but instead pushed a wooden bow into my hand.
"Take it like this" he instructed me, putting the bow into my left hand. Did he know that I was left handed? A coincidence probably.

"Hook in the arrow between your index and middle finger" he explained while taking his own bow and demonstrating the proper way. The muscles in his arms and shoulder flexed like in a well oiled machine, forming perfect movements with ease.

I on the other hand messily tried putting the arrow against the string. However, I wasn't as handy as him and the arrow dropped to my annoyance.

Finally I was able to put it against the string the right way and looked back towards him. He was watching me patiently, I noticed, my heart rate spiking nervously.

"You stand like this" I copied him and put my left foot in front of my right one.
"Put the weight towards your toes and lean forward a little. Then put some tension on the string by pulling at the arrow. Still facing the bow downwards" he told me sternly. Apparently I wasn't to be trusted with the bow.

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