Chapter 27

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My head was groaning in anger while I was trying to orientate myself

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My head was groaning in anger while I was trying to orientate myself.
I touched my neck because I felt something wet. When I put my fingers in front of my eyes I only saw red.
Blood was dripping from my ears which explained that I was still only hearing beeping.

Finally I was able to crawl to Lilac who was laying on the ground unmoving.
Carefully I pulled her face towards me. Her eyes were closed and I could see the blood pooling beneath her ears as well.

Trembling I put my fingers underneath her nose.
It was hard to concentrate on any sensation besides my own pain but I held my ragged breath. When I felt a soft gust of air I let my body drop down to the ground for a moment.

I didn't even want to look at what had inevitably just grown. Judging by the size of its eyeballs and heart it must've been massive.
Maybe I could just ignore it. My brain wasn't even trying to come up with a solution. It just shut off completely, leaving me in a weird state of ignorant emptiness.

"Come on", I told myself. I knew that I couldn't stay like this however much I sought it.
Once the monster would eat my brain I definitely wouldn't feel as calm anymore.

So I raised my head enough to look for the others. Blayze and Juliette were lying on the ground in a jumbled mess only a few meters from us. To my relief, I saw that they were slowly getting up as well.
So I wasn't all alone.

There was a silent buzz that grew louder.
In horror I watched the shelves that were starting to shake. Adrenaline took over and I got some feeling back into my body.
With all of my strength I crawled away from the wall, pulling Lilac by her hand.

The containers on the shelves were rattling now.
"Blayze, we need to get out before they fall" I yelled over to her, my voice sounding unrecognizable.
I didn't care about getting the loot, I just wanted to get out alive.

I saw determination as she grabbed Juliette by the arm and dragged her over to us. Motivated by her spirit I searched for the others.
Nessa was laying on the ground in the opposite corner but luckily also the furthest from the now opened chest.
I felt terrible that we wouldn't even be able to take Lane's body with us but crossing the whole room was impossible now.

The once silent room had grown terribly loud, forcing me to scream every word.
"Nessa, are you awake?" I yelled, hoping that she would hear me.

Nessa's head turned towards me and I saw that her eyes were open although her face was covered in blood.
She didn't look like she could walk on her own so Blayze or I would have to come get her.

But so far only Lane was gone.

Blayze was getting closer to the door with Juliette who appeared a little more awake now.
She tried opening the door but it didn't budge.

I needed to get over there or the door would never open. I was the only witch now.

I began dragging Lilac's body behind me. I admit that dragging her across the floor wasn't being the most careful but I could barely walk right now, how would I carry her dead weight?

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