Chapter 55

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"I never want to play this game again" I whispered while cuddling into a blanket coated in a verz delicious scent

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"I never want to play this game again" I whispered while cuddling into a blanket coated in a verz delicious scent.
"Nobody told you to jump into the river" Ronan scoffed, apparently still annoyed that he had had to save us from the stupid stone island in the middle of the river.

His arms were crossed in front of his chest, once again showing off his bulging muscles.

Right now we were in his room so nobody would see what I was about to do. Additionally one could argue that because I was pretty damn tired my inhibitions were very low, resulting in temporary insanity.

Only more reason for me to drop the warm blanket and get up from his bed.
He was leaning against his desk, watching me cautiously like a hawk as I got closer to him.

His arms were still wrapped around his chest in distaste but I wanted to try change that. There was a way better task for them.

Right in front of him I stopped to look him in the face. "But I'm crazy and stupid and you still like me" I whispered cheerfully before ducking and slipping right into his arms.

At first he seemed a little hesitant, probably questioning if it was the right choice to forget about his disapproval for now but eventually he had to open his arms a little further so I fit into the small space.

But after I nudged my forehead against his neck he finally closed his warm arms around me and melted against my body.
I hummed quietly because his chest was warm and comfortable, carrying even more of his delicious scent than the blanket.

Not being able to stop myself in my tired and uninhibited state I pushed my forehead further into his chest where his heart was, wanting to be closer than possible to him.

In reaction he chuckled deeply which made his chest vibrate but instead of stopping me he only moved his hand upwards to caress the back of my head.

"You're tired" he whispered into my hair, almost lulling me to sleep with the deep timbre of his voice.
"Mhm" I mumbled back, not even bothering with words anymore.

For now I was too tired to worry about anything. There was not a single thought in my brain about the ongoing war, our impending doom and my own problems and stress over lady Thatcher.
Instead my senses were overtaken by a state of peace and calmness that I was sure I would always cherish as much as the first time.

The memory of our last fight felt like a lifetime ago belonging to a time in which we couldn't stand each other.
And I hoped that it would never be like that again.

A deep emotion of guilt took over because I knew that this was just too good. Remembering my behavior and insults I felt awful.

I breathed in his scent to calm myself, reminding myself that I didn't have to be that bitter person anymore. I was different now.

I didn't want to let go of him to walk over to the bed but he surprised me by laying his hand onto my thigh.
Unsure I stood still, waiting for him to confirm my thoughts.

He pressed a kiss onto my hair before moving his hand upwards on my leg right beneath my butt, gripping the thigh with his large hand. Abruptly a large swarm of butterflies began dancing in my stomach, the tiredness leaving my body instantly.

"Come on" he said when I didn't move and I could hear the grin in his voice. Obviously me standing still as a stature hadn't gone unnoticed.

A little embarrassed and unsure how this would work I lifted my other leg around his torso so he could heave me up.
With ease he pushed me upwards a few centimeters so I was above the ground now.

His hands were positioned right beneath my butt, holding me up while my arms and legs were wrapped around his body.

I wasn't scared of dropping from his secure hold but the thought of sliding down even a bit made me hold on tighter.
My legs were positioned only a few centimeters above his... but I didn't want to think of the image that immediately came to my mind.

The position was so intimate I blushed a deep shade of red, forcing me to hide my face behind a thick layer of hair and his chest.

I was hyper aware of his thumbs stroking my skin over the fabric of my skirt although I wasn't sure if he had done so on purpose. Maybe it was just our movement that had caused it.
Either way my heartbeat reached an impossible frequency that was completely exposed against his skin. There was no way for me to hide my feelings from him in this position, even if my face was covered.

Slowly he laid me down on the bed on the half I had also slept in last time. I didn't know how we had decided that I would sleep here again but somehow there hadn't even been the question.

There had been no awkwardness, not even now when I felt nervous and giddy.
Carefully I removed my hair from my face so I could get a better look at him while he laid down on the other side of the bed.

There was an unrecognizable look that crossed his face briefly before he quickly threw his shirt from his body onto the ground.

He was beautiful.
For a whole minute I was completely lost in his dark eyes before I ripped my attention away, hopefully before my staring had become creepy.
I couldn't believe that a single person could mean so much to me but my fear of losing him told me otherwise.

Stunned I turned over to face the ceiling.
"I'll be careful next time" I told him quietly as I felt his gaze shift towards me.

There was a moment of silence in which the tiredness took over my body again. With great efforts I tried to keep my eyes open  but ultimately I lost the battle.

"And I'll come find you every single time"


To whoever wondered why the update took so long:

I was in London last week and I literally had to see every single attraction and all Christmas markets.
Then I was stuck there because of storm Bert (such a stupid name) and had to catch up with so much work. I could literally make a book from all of my coursework.
There are almost 2 thousand slides I have to learn. Are three months of uni too early for me to quit?

Anyway, I apologize to anyone who was waiting for an update. This is it... Tadaaa

Hope you enjoyed, I'll try to update sooner this time


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