Chapter 39

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I didn't know that running could be as fun and exhilarating as it felt right now

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I didn't know that running could be as fun and exhilarating as it felt right now. I was lost in the moment, chasing down the corridors.
There was no direction I was going in per se, I just knew that I needed to get away.

My heart was going to burst and being in the presence of Ronan was only making it worse.

I ran outside, passing some students that were looking around in confusion at my odd behavior. I wanted to tell them that everything was fine, at least for them, but the words were carried away with the wind. 

Nothing surpassed the feeling of freedom swamping over my body as I felt the soft breeze dance across my skin. The sun was beginning to hide behind the horizon, tinting the sky in shades ranging from orange to purple. Sparkly particles flew through the air that I was trying to catch with my hands.

At last I came to a sudden stop when someone stood in my way. I had reached the training yards by now, not really paying attention to anything but the weird sensation that was clawing at my heart.

I immediately sensed a malicious presence that made my stomach churn. However, only when I came to a stop I recognized the person.

She was standing in front of me with anger evident on her tanned face. Half her hair was pulled back which made her look as pretty as ever. But even the prettiest flowers were deadly.
For once the looks weren't deceiving. Her appearance was as poisonous as her heart.

"You're an embarrassment" she seethed. She was standing close to me, far closer than I felt comfortable but that was probably my fault. I didn't know how I had missed the murderous energy oozing of her like an infection.
Smoke was coming from her ears, reminding me of when we were young. She hadn't changed a lot but I still hardly recognized her.

Maybe it was the fact that I was seeing her through different eyes.

I wanted to walk past her and ignore this encounter. I could've gone ages not seeing her and my life would've been perfect.
But she was too temperamental, too hot blooded to let this go, whatever her problem was this time.

"Put down the uniform" she screeched in madness. Even in my elated state her voice was enough to make me shudder.

I felt her grip my arm from behind, holding me in place. Next she was trying to pull down my shirt.

That's it. I ripped my arm away from her as if she had burned me, turning around with a sickly sweet smile.
"No" I told her, knowing that my blatant disobedience would only aggravate her further. But in no way would I voluntarily stand here naked.

"I don't know what got into your insane mind. You've always had an inferiority complex but going around pretending to be a student... That's a new low I didn't even know you could reach" she seethed into my face. Warm spit met my neck but I chose to ignore it despite my disgust.

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