Chapter 40

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"Stop pretending to be unconscious" a deep voice ordered drily

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"Stop pretending to be unconscious" a deep voice ordered drily.

"Fine, Mister knows it all" I mumbled and got up from my bed.
Well, his bed.

I didn't want to come to terms with reality yet. The last day had been too much for me to simply 'get over it'. Because that was what I was trying to tell myself while I was laying in bed, 'meditating'. I hadn't been pretending or anything...

My stomach was wrapped in a gauze that pinched my sides when I sat up groaning.
But I was grateful for Ronan's wrapping skills because otherwise I would've had to go to the healing ward instead of escaping into his room.

"Does 'I don't want to talk about it' resemble a good answer to you?" I asked him equally as dry.

"Not remotely" he replied persistently, crossing his arms in front of his chest. The action reminded me of what I had done only hours ago. I'm not sure I'd ever forget the embarrassment after waking up from my momentary loss of consciousness.

"Great, what would you like to know?" I asked cheerily. I was aware that I wasn't behaving my best right now but I also wasn't feeling my best to my defense.
I was busy pushing thoughts and questions away that would probably result in permanent insanity.

"Let's begin with how you suddenly have powers? Just who are you" he asked sternly.

"Aurora Beaufort, grew up middle to high class, parents in high positions in a famous witch coven. I enjoyed my life on what did you call it? The little bar. But I did not squish ants beneath my feet" I scoffed at the last sentence. His words from 'our big fight' after the dungeon were still engraved in my mind, so much that I could almost recite them perfectly.

"That's unfair" he told me and his brows drew together.
I sighed. I didn't want to hurt him. I was familiar with his body language by now and knew that furrowed brows were an almost permanent facial expression on him but tugging his lip between his teeth was in fact not.

"Sorry, this...." I pointed at the gauze "it hurts." I didn't want to gain pity but I just felt like I needed to excuse myself.

"Do you need to get it healed now?" He asked in concern but I only shook my head. I definitely wouldn't leave the room voluntarily right now. Not when rumors had surely already began spreading while I had been unconscious.

"To your question: I am what I just told you. My 'parents' are fire wielders, my sister as well as you just saw." His eyebrow rose in question. Apparently this had been a new piece of information. Because what sister would be insane enough to try killing the other one?
Only problem was, her plan had backfired.

I didn't want to think about it. Was she dead? Was she alive? Did I want to know? Could I live on not knowing?

"There are these weird powers that I felt the first time after arriving here at the academy" I explained, subconsciously rubbing my arm unsurely about how much I needed or wanted to tell him.

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