chapter 54

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As an answer I threw a thick branch at her that would both keep her at the bottom of the river and allow her to use it as leverage when climbing towards the shore

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As an answer I threw a thick branch at her that would both keep her at the bottom of the river and allow her to use it as leverage when climbing towards the shore.

I took my own stick and began stripping out of my pants and shirt which I threw onto the other side of the shore.
Fern looked towards the ground awkwardly, reminding me of myself before I had to live in a dorm with community showers. Now I had seen it all.

"You should strip too or you'll get cold" I advised her before going to the edge of the river.

It was fine. I wouldn't die. The worst that could happen was that I would drift off to a totally different part of the shore.

With that thought I numbed my brain enough to jump into the river. Almost immediately the current wanted to take me with it but I rammed my branch into the ground before sinking down.

Fern was right. The current wasn't that strong down here but I still had to put in strength in order not to drift off.
I felt the rippling of the water as she jumped in behind me but was too focused on saving my breath to look behind.
I had never been good at swimming but that didn't matter now. I just had to do it.

Slowly I walked through the thick water until I desperately wanted to take a breath. The shore was already close to I stuck the branch into the earth and pulled myself along.
Using the stick as leverage I pushed myself back up to the shore, crawling out of the cold water.

Trembling I fell onto the ground, heaving for a few seconds. Ronan's games were terrible.

Behind me I heard the splashing of water. Fern had also made it, yippie!

As soon as she came out of the water she scrambled to get to her clothes although she was still spitting water.
Fine, we needed to get on.

Putting on the dirty clothes over my wet body only made the fabric stick to my skin in a disgusting way while I was left freezing.

Let's just hope we hadn't just done that for nothing...

"Let's go" Fern said with cluttering teeth. Her hair clung to her face like a helmet but I was sure that I didn't look any better.

I didn't know how long it took us but we were close to the top of the hill now. It was weird since Maddox must've gotten to the flag by now but I hadn't seen him fly away with it yet.
Because of the trees it was impossible to see the flag from here so we didn't know if it was still there or not. The only thing that made me keep walking was the absence of a honk that would signal the end of the game.

Suddenly I heard the loud fluttering of wings before I saw Maddox sail through the sky with the red flag in his hands. Soon after that two angry fairies followed, presumably the reason he hadn't gotten away with the flag yet.
Great, he had blown our cover.

No, he had only blown his own cover.

We somehow needed to get his attention so he would give the flag to us.

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