In a world where love had to be earned I would never be good enough. I was the black sheep in the family, the witch without magic.
While my sister excelled in every type of way I had to suffer in silence, tormented by the people I should ha...
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The smell of forest and rain still lingered in my nose while I was laying in bed that night. I had never hugged anyone before. Thinking about it I didn't even know if you could call what happened this morning a hug. I just put my arms around him for a second before running of. He didn't even have time to return the gesture so I couldn't possibly call it a hug. Probably he'd have thrown me out of his room if I hadn't run already.
As the night came around and I was laying in bed I had time to think about more of what had happened. My mind was clearer now than it had been yesterday and I could finally try to piece the puzzle pieces together starting by what had happened during the fight.
I hadn't noticed anything special during the fight, too distracted by the pain of slowly finding an excruciating death. So why had the girl's stone confines shattered? Maybe she had thought that I was already dead. Or maybe she had been out of power. The amount of magic she had used to create the small storm must've been huge.
But that still didn't explain why I had felt so energetic right after my near death experience. I should've been laying on the ground catching my breath. Instead I'd been distracted by Ronan, joking around as if nothing had happened.
As I thought back to the events one question stood out to me: How I had known where to put my sword to strike her? I couldn't have seen her body through the layers of mud on my face and in the air. In fact, when I thought harder I realized that what I had seen hadn't been her actual body. I had seen a greenish light that seemed to surround her body. I couldn't explain the light to myself, had someone or something helped me? Or had I seen her with my own eyes although I was sure that I couldn't even open them during the fight. But sometimes, when the sun shone brightly silhouettes were still visible through closed eyelids.
I immediately felt embarrassed when another thought came to my mind. Too long I had longed for magical abilities that anytime something had happened that was even remotely out of the ordinary I had thought that my powers were showing.
Because it was dark inside of the room, I couldn't see Daisy. I felt embarrassed by the hope that maybe I would be able to still see her. It was far fetched that I would suddenly possess magic but in a world in which magic existed nothing was impossible even though the probability of me having magic seemed tiny. I was just disappointing myself for the millionth time.
So here goes nothing... I tried to recreate the feeling of having to search for someone. My intention was different though. I didn't want to kill Daisy, I just wanted to know if she was in her bed sleeping safe and sound. Even if I possessed a tiny bit of magic I wasn't sure if I could even recreate the scene. I didn't feel the same emotions as in that moment.
I listened for her breathing and directed my senses at any signs of a living being in our room. For a moment I even saw a slight pinkish sheen behind my closed eyes but it was gone as fats as it came up. My imagination had always been great, just like now where even my mind was trying to fool me.