Chapter 42 Ro

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"Hey, how are you

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"Hey, how are you...." I trailed off when I took in the scene presenting in front of me. Ronan was rushing through his room, throwing things into a large bag. He was too busy to reply even though I was sure that he had noticed me.
He looked stressed if I was honest. Something was bothering him.

Was he going somewhere? It sure looked like he was packing for a few days but I couldn't be sure.
What confused me the most was that he hadn't told me anything about a trip.

"Are you going somewhere?" I asked him outright. The answer was obvious but I just wanted to him to say something.

"Yes" he grunted out while throwing some knifes into his bag.
He wasn't even looking at me...

"Where are you going?" I tried again but was left with a vague reply.
"Home" he said but the word sounded forced through his mouth.

It was obvious that he didn't want to talk right now.
"Maybe I'll come back later. You seem busy" I said meekly while wringing my hands behind my back.
He didn't reply to that but his silence was answer enough.

Nodding to myself I opened the door back up. I hadn't even let go of the handle, so fast had I been thrown out.
I left the room in confusion and worry, only hearing the zipper of his bag being pulled in anger.


I didn't know how my 'father' had caught wind about my group but now that his letter had already reached me it was too late to pretend.
I should've expected it, should've been more careful. I knew him too well to forget that he had eyes and ears everywhere, making it only a matter of time until he tried to extend his controlling hands onto innocent lives.

He was overbearing and reckless but compelling an inexperienced group to the front? This had been unheard of. The students were at the academy to learn so they could join the special forces. The day they graduated was the day they could be pulled in, not one day earlier or in this case even years.

I was concerned, not only for the future of my students but also the country. If students were going to be send to the front now the situation must have been bad. Worse than he had lead on in his previous letters.

So I packed my bag in a hurry, not even stopping when the door opened. I flinched, the way my senses had been caught off guard told me stories.

"Hey, how are you?" Aurora asked lightheartedly, setting foot into my room. I wanted to match her expression, showing warmth and ease.
But before I even had the chance to do that her expression turned into one of confusion at my sight.
Of course she had to enter exactly now when I was trying to gather my messed up thoughts.

"Are you going somewhere?" She asked quietly, making me feel guilty for ignoring her for so long. The problem wasn't even that I didn't want to tell her, it was that I couldn't tell her. The information wasn't meant for her ears. Even if I broke the chain of secrecy it would only leave her worried.
I knew because even though I had barely reacted since she had entered the room her brows were furrowed in worry.
What I had told her about power, that it came with responsibility and losses, also applied to this situation. 

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