Chapter 16

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I woke up exhausted

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I woke up exhausted. Yesterday's events still weighed heavily on my mind. I still felt horrible about killing someone although I knew that I'd have to do it over and over again in the future. The only spark of hope was that I had somehow earned Sir Ashdracon's favor for whatever reason.

When I finally shambled to the closet to get out a clean uniform Daisy was already doing her hair.

"Here, take this" she said while throwing something at me. Only in the last second I caught the chocolate bar.
I looked up at Daisy who was smiling at me from her bed.
"I took this at dinner last night because I'm always so hungry in the morning, but you should have it" she explained.

I instantly wanted to give it back to her.
"No, you should take it. It's yours" I said while pushing it back to her.
She didn't want to take it back though.

"No, I want you to have it" she said shielding her body from the bar.
I already wanted to put it on her bed next to her but she jumped up and said "No, I won't eat it" before going to the window to demonstrate that she wouldn't touch it.

"Okay, you eat half, I eat half. Fine?" I asked. She nodded happily while taking the bar from my hands and breaking it in two.
She gave me the second half to eat while swallowing her half whole.
While I was eating she made her bed and sat back down. I had to admit that the sweet taste of the chocolate actually gave me energy for the day, and tooth problems probably as well.

"Great, you looked like you needed it" she said provocatively. Despite the chocolate I was still a little to tired to fight her so I let go of it for now.
"Yeah yeah, thank you... Anywho thanks for the chocolate" I replied.
We moved out of the room to start our tasks.

Too late I realized that I had forgotten the laundry at the basement yesterday. I hastily jogged down the stairs so I could at least put them on the cloth line to dry now.
When I arrived in the laundry room I caught sight of a very angry Lady Thatcher.
"Beaufort!" I heard an angry yell. "Your laundry is all wrinkled and wet!" she yelled through the whole room while picking up a crinkled dress shirt from my laundry hamper. I was embarrassed to say the least.

I quickly jogged over to take my laundry from her hands, hoping that she would leave me alone.
"Yes, I'm sorry, Ma'am" I replied stiffly. Maybe this was the point where I was going to be sent home.
But she couldn't. I prayed that she would at least wait until I passed the tournament. I was sure of one thing now. I'd either pass or die trying. I hated the simple life I was forced to live as a maid. I hated succumbing to a woman I had no respect for.

"How could you forget something like that? You have approximately five tasks and still can't do anything right!" she yelled into my face. In the same volume she used across the room. I felt like my ears were blown away and had to stop my hands from wiping her spit from my face.

"Sorry, it won't happen again" I said quietly and stiffly, not showing any emotion at her hurtful words.
"Yes, it better, this is your last warning" she said like this had been my hundredth warning before stomping away.

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