Chapter 7

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By the time I started hearing movement outside the door, I was already awake the next morning

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By the time I started hearing movement outside the door, I was already awake the next morning.
I was already getting ready by changing my clothes and braiding my hair.
Anticipation filled me for what I would experience today.
I was curious about the man from 15H.

"Let's go, Daze" I said and rushed out of the door.
I prayed that today was going to be a great day. Or at least better than yesterday.

Now that I had settled in a little and made a couple of 'friends' I was less anxious.
Leaving the proximity of all of them brought parts of the anxiety back. I would be all alone on the floor. Well, except for the tenants of course.

I still struggled with the long stairs so my energy was dimmed a little when I finally arrived upstairs. Today it seemed quieter than yesterday. I didn't even hear any noise from the cocky vampire's door.
I think god must've heard my prayers.

I took this as a sign to start with 15A so I wouldn't waste the opportunity. Who knew what the situation would be like later.
I knocked on the door but heard no one inside. Because of the lack of reaction I unlocked the door and carefully opened it.

I took a small anxious peek that told me that the room was empty.
Finally I had some luck!

When the sun stood high on the sky I had already cleaned half of the rooms

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When the sun stood high on the sky I had already cleaned half of the rooms.
I'd even met some of the other residents because it was still pretty early and some were still getting ready for their jobs.
All of them except for one who hadn't been there anymore had opened the door for me and done some light conversation while preparing. Because of that I now knew who I'd be attending for the next year or so of my life.

Two of them had been guards, I assumed that they fulfilled leadership positions or else they wouldn't have rooms this nice.
Another one was a professor, I didn't know for which subject though as he had left in a rush because of classes.

So now I stood in front of room 15H. Full of anxious energy I knocked but nobody opened the door.
I felt a little disappointed when I realized that he must've already left for work.

At least I could clean the room without interruptions now.

I started cleaning the room that was already admittedly clean. While cleaning I was humming the melody to a song I'd often heard at the coven. Witches like a very particular genre of music that I had never enjoyed that much. Still the melody didn't leave me now.

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