Chapter 17: Explaining

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Cole's POV

Me and Nya had been enjoying our meal, when I started getting about a million texts asking where we were. It looked like Nya was getting tons of texts too.

"Maybe we should've told them where we were going," I said feeling guilty for causing everyone so much stress.

"If we'd told them we wouldn't have been able to go on a date!" Nya said.

"I know, but they're probably freaking out right now."

"I don't care if Kai's freaking out. All he ever does is worry about me." Nya angrily crossed her arms.

I could see where she was coming from. It seemed like Kai never let her do anything. I'm pretty sure if I were in her shoes I'd be pretty upset too. But I still didn't want anyone freaking out.

"I wasn't just talking about Kai."

"What do you mean? Who else would freak out?"

"Tons of people." Jay in particular. He tended to freak out about the tiniest things, and I knew that us disappearing like this would be just the thing to set him off.

"I'm pretty sure I'd freak out if my friends disappeared," I said feeling upset. I knew the pain of people disappearing all to well.

"But we didn't disappear!"

"Well, we left and didn't tell anyone!" We'd snuck out, so that we could go on our date without anyone knowing. But now I was regretting not telling anyone.

"I didn't think they'd freak out!"

"But they are! We should at least tell them now!" I came off a bit angrier than I wanted to.

"Okay. I'll tell them. You don't have to freak out about it. It's not that big of a deal." I sighed. I was making it a bigger deal than it was.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to over react."

"It's fine. Just don't be so overly dramatic next time."

We both began to text the ninja.

I looked at my texts.

Jay had texted me about a gazillion times asking if me and Nya were okay. He seemed to be a bit more worried about Nya though. Probably because I can defend myself better than Nya.

Kai had texted me a lot also. But not because he was worried. He knew exactly what was going on. All his texts were him asking me if me and Nya were on a date. I wondered how he knew.

I decided to text Jay first. Since he seemed to be more worried.

And I didn't want to deal with Kai yelling at me through text.

I quickly texted Jay, "I'm fine. Me and Nya decided to have dinner together. We're both safe."

Jay replied fast like really fast.

"Thank goodness! I thought you two might've died or worse," he texted.

About five seconds later Jay texted, "Also why were you having dinner with Nya?"

I quickly texted back, "We wanted to talk about the hypnobrai. I learned a lot more about them. By the way how was dinner?" I quickly changed the subject so that he wouldn't ask anymore questions.

Jay texted back, "Good. Zane came out wearing a PINK apron. It was hilarious! Zane was confused though. Why does Zane act so weird? I mean I understand SOME things, but how could he not understand why that was funny? It just doesn't make sense. Anyways Kai threw food at me to give Zane an example of what's funny. But it wasn't funny. It was rude. Kai's ALWAYS doing rude things to me, and no one seems to realize it. He doesn't realize how much it hurts. I want him to know how it feels so badly. Anyways sensei Wu then dumped a bowl of food on Kai's head, and we started a food fight. When did people start calling food fight food fights? What were they called before that? Throwing food at each other? When did people start doing food fights? Why? Who thought up of the idea for food fights? I bet it was some kid who was bored."

I chuckled. Even when texting Jay managed to talk as much as possible.

All of a sudden I started to feel dizzy, and I think I passed out for a second. But soon I was okay like nothing happened. Weird. Must've been something I ate.

I sighed and went back to texting.

I texted Jay, "That sounds really cool. I'm so sad that I missed out."

He texted back, "Don't be sad. We'll probably have more food fights."

I got another text from Kai.

It said, "TELL ME THIS INSTANT IF YOU'RE ON A DATE WITH NYA." I sighed. It was time to text Kai back.

I texted, "I'm on a date with Nya. PLEASE don't yell at me."


I texted, "I'm sorry. Nya didn't want you to know. Please don't tell anyone. I want this to be a secret."


I texted, "Maybe she would." That only made Kai angrier.

He texted back, "NO, SHE WOULD NOT!!!! STOP LYING!!!"

I sighed.

I texted, "Please, please, please, stop yelling at me through text."

Kai texted back, "FINE. I want you to tell me where you two are, how soon you can get home, and everything you talked about."

I sighed. I was going to have to text a lot.

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