Chapter 23: Zane's Return

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Wu's POV

"W-What are we eating again?" Kai asked, shivering.

"Mud newt. Not bad for something that lives underground," Cole said.

"What? Ugh!" Jay yelled as he threw his food on the ground in disgust.

Jay threw a rock, and it fell into the can.

He said, "Yeah! A new high s-score!"

"Remember we must be thankful for what we still have," I said.

"What do we have? Our home is gone," Cole said in a sad tone.

"You know I don't miss our home what I really miss is Zane," Kai said also sounding sad. I sighed. I missed him too.

"Yeah, I miss Zane," Jay said, agreeing with Kai for once in his life.

"Zane?" Nya asked shocked. I turned to see Zane walking toward us.

"Yeah, Zane. You know white ninja. The smart, strange one," Jay said obviously confused.

"No! Zane!" Nya said, pointing to Zane.

Everyone turned to see Zane and their faces filled with joy.

Zane walked up looking much happier than the last time I'd seen him.

"Zane, we're so sorry for everything we said. We're a team, and that means we're all responsible," Jay said.

"You do not need to apologize to me," Zane said.

"But what about all those awful things we said? Isn't that why you left?" Kai asked.

"I have already forgiven you for those things. I understand you were upset and did not mean what you said." Everyone looked relieved.

"By the way I saw the falcon again and followed him."

Everyone smiled. I knew what they were thinking. Of course Zane left to follow the falcon again.

We all hugged Zane overjoyed that he was back.

"We're happy to have you back," Nya said.

"Why? Is it my turn to make dinner?" Zane asked. We all laughed.

"Yes, Zane, we would love for you to make dinner," I said.

"But I already made it. Come I want to show you what I found. I think you will all be pleased." He lead us deeper into the desert.

"I can not explain it, but I feel a strange connection with the falcon. I think he is trying to help show us the path we need to take."

He lead us around a boulder. I stared in shock. It was a large ship big enough to house us.

"Our new home."

"My goodness," I said shocked.

"Do I smell pie?" Jay asked.

"Cobbler berry. Oh! And I myrtle berry, and apple, and-" he began to name every single type of pie he'd made.

Everyone ran inside happily.

"I am proud of you, Zane. One day I promise we will find your family," I said to Zane.

"But I have already found them." I smiled. That was correct.

"I feel there is more to you than meets the eye. There's something special about you, Zane."

"Sensei, will I become the green ninja?"

"It's to early to tell. But if it's in your path you will know. Come now it would be a shame to let them eat all that pie."

I smiled as we walked in. It seemed that Zane finally felt like he fit in.

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