Chapter 28: Saving My Parents

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Jay's POV

"Second dose. To the dirt!" Cole yelled as the wrecking ball began to swing toward us. Luckily, we were able to get away in time.

When the dust receded, the serpentine walked toward us slowly, and Kai said, "Easier said than done, sis. We're a bit outnumbered."

Enraged I said, "Nobody messes with my family," before attacking the serpentine.

All of a sudden I heard music, and I knew sensei Wu was playing his flute. The serpentine all stopped fighting and covered their ears. I chuckled to myself. I guess they have sensitive ears too.

Rock music began to play, and I turned to see Lloyd standing next to a boombox.

"Young nephew, must I teach you whose side you should be on?" sensei Wu asked. Actually he yelled it.

Lloyd turned up the music and yelled, "Sorry, uncle, can't hear you!" I walked a bit farther away from the boombox. It was bit to loud for me.

I quickly ignored it and went back to fighting.

A giant robot walked toward us.

"Ah! What is that thing?" I asked.

"A giant robot. Duh," Hebi said.

"I-It wasssss sssssupposed to be in your honor sssson, but do you like it?" dad asked.

"Thanks, but no thanks."

It began to chase us.

"Aww. Why'd you have to be born in a junkyard?" Cole asked.

"I know. Tell me about it," I said. The wrecking ball almost hit us and before the dust disappeared I jumped on it. I kicked the serpentine driving it out.

"Let's see if I can work this," I said to myself.

I began to mess with the controls. It was a lot different than the bold dozers I'd driven before.

I finally got control of it and hit the robot.

"I told you I had it," Cole said annoyed. I stared at him confused. Why wasn't he happy that I'd defeated the robot?

"Retreat!" Lloyd yelled.

"Finally! I've hated every minute of this," Hebi said.

A serpentine, who was holding the staff, gave her a sharp glare, and she chuckled.

"I mean no! Heh heh. Can we leave now?"

They retreated, and it took me a minute to realize that they were leaving with the antivenom.

"He's getting away with the staff!" Nya yelled.

"Right now would be a good time to have those dragons," I said.

"It'sssss okay, ssson," dad said. It wasn't okay though. The transformation was almost complete.

"There is still a way," sensei Wu said. I stared at him confused.

"How?" I asked.

"Part of reaching your own full potential is understanding your weapons potential. Once it is in tune with a focused heart it's secrets and powers can be unlocked."

"Ugh. This is not the time to be cryptic! My parents are about to be the Slithers instead of the Walkers!"

"Hey! My parents are the Slithers!" Hebi yelled.

"Was that a joke?" Nya asked, sounding confused. I chuckled nervously. It was. I made jokes when I was worried, or nervous, or scared, or upset.

"He's saying our weapons are vehicles themselves," Zane said. How'd he get that from what sensei Wu'd said?

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