Chapter 58: Finding The Map

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Lloyd's POV

"Where are the four fangblades?" the fangpyre general asked.

"What if there is no map?" the venomari general asked. The constrictai general chuckled.

"Then that would mean that the legend was wrong. Which means that the other legend could be wrong. Which means I could finally eat the child," he said. I'd been debating on if I wanted them to get the fangblades or not. Part of me wanted the great devourer as a henchmen. The other part didn't want the great devourer to eat me. Now all that debating ended. I'd decided that I was more worried about getting eaten by the constrictai general.

"Haven't you had enough food? You ate that falcon the other day!" Scales said

"I know, but I'm still hungry! Plus, birds are easy to eat. There's no challenge. And I want a challenge."

"Then eat the samurai! Or anyone else that won't be able to help us. But we need Lloyd. He could very easily end this! Plus you'd probably not be able to eat him anyways. And in the future it'll be better if we're on his side. So unless you want to be one of the people enslaved and under his control you should not try attacking him."

"Yeah! Unless you wanna be one of the people who are encaved!" I said. Everyone stared at me.

"It's enslaved."

"Encaved sounds better."

"No, it doesn't. I'm starting to question if you know what enslaved means." I stared at the floor. I really should've paid attention in Vile Grammar.

"I do! It means................... Reading!" Everyone stared at me again. I sighed. I'd just said the first thing that'd came to my head.

"What did I say about interrupting?" Pythor yelled, glaring at me.

"Not to," I said. He nodded.

"Yes, now if you interrupt again I might have to punish you, and I don't want to do that." He moved his tail menacingly.

"Can his punishment be me eating him?" the constrictai general asked. I quickly shook my head.

"Do you ever think about anything other than your stomach?" Scales asked.

"Yes, it's just it's been forever since I've eaten anything actually good! Or fought! Actually I think the last thing I fought was that couple. You know the one with the robot? I didn't eat them though." His stomach rumbled.

I threw some candy at him. Maybe that'd help.

"Hey! Who threw that?" he asked. I paled, realizing I might've made him mad.

"It's food!" I yelled. He stared at me confused.

"Why would you give me food? You're a villain." I sighed. Yeah, I was a villain.......... Not really though. I was just someone pretending.

"I'm not helping you! I just don't want you eating me!"

"I'm taking my staff back!" the fangpyre general said.

"Me too!" the venomari general said.

"Oh! umm, me three!" the constrictai general said as he ate the candy I'd given him. I smiled.

He accidently hit the venomari general, and they started fighting. I moved toward the back of my cage away from them. I didn't like fights.

"That's it!" Pythor said. I quicky turned to face them again.

"What's it? What's it?" I asked.

"The map of fangs! It's been right in front of us all this time!" He grabbed everyone staffs and set them next to each other, so the venom would drip on top of each other.

"When the five fangs unite as one, the path toward the devourer has begun. It's not speaking of the five tribes. It's the staffs."

"Behold, the location of the four silver fangblades!" Pythor yelled, holding a map. I stared confused. How'd he get that?

"Soon the great devourer will be unleashed, and Ninjago will be ours!"

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