Chapter 34: Not A Failure?

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Lloyd's POV

I laughed maniacally as me and Pythor knocked down trashcans while riding a bike. Then we removed a sign that said that people aren't supposed to be walking on the grass and then walked on it. We then hijacked an ice cream cart and stole all the ice cream. We then knocked down boats that some kids were playing with at the pond, causing the children to cry like babies. I was so evil.

"Can't we do something productive?" Hebi asked. I jumped a little at her voice.

"I forgot you were here! Wanna play with us?" I asked a smile on my face.

"We're not supposed to be playing! We're supposed to be stopping the armies of serpentine that are trying to kill us!"

"Did I say playing? I meant committing crimes!"

"We both know what you meant. Lloydie, I know you're enjoying yourself, and I'm happy about that especially after how you were acting earlier, but we should probably be trying to stop the people trying to kill us!"

"Let the child be a child," Pythor said. I nodded in agreement though I was a bit offended at being called a child.

"I'm all for being a child. I'm a child. But when our lives are at stake I'd much prefer to do something productive," Hebi said. She then gagged.

"Eww! I'm acting serious! I'm never serious! Look at what you're making me do!" she added.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to have a little fun," I said in a scared tone. I didn't like being yelled at. It made me really scared.

"Lloydie, I didn't mean to yell. I'm sorry if I scared you."

"It's fine. It isn't your fault. We should be doing something productive."

"How about we get some candy!" Pythor asked. Me and Hebi noddded.

"Okay, one last thing," Hebi said. I smiled.

We then stole candy from babies.

"Eww! Who eats baby candy?" Hebi asked staring at her slobbery lolipop.

"I do!" me and Pythor said at the same time. Hebi chuckled.

"And you said girls are gross," she said.

When we got into the cave Hebi sat in the corner an irritated look on her face. Me and Pythor were smiling.

"You're the best henchmen a mastermind could ever have!" I said.

"And you're the best mastermind a henchmen could ever have!" Pythor said. I smiled at that. And to think that Scales and the fangpyre general thought I was a bad villain!

And everyone else.

I started feeling upset again.

"Why is it that you have no friends?" Pythor asked, making me feel even more upset.

"I'm his friend!" Hebi yelled.

"Fine. Why is it that you have no friends other than Hebi?" Pythor corrected himself.

"Much better," Hebi said.

I sighed. I didn't really like thinking about it. It always made me really upset. Remembering how much of a failure I was.

I quickly put a fake smile on my face and said, "Well, I could've had friends back at my boarding school for bad boys, but I decided to run away and never let them see me again." I laughed, hoping no one would realize I was lying.

"Really? Uh, Why would you run away from making friends? Everybody needs friends. Even tyrants," Pythor asked. I chuckled a nervous chuckle.

"Maybe I didn't run away. Maybe I, ummmm."

Did I really want to admit it? Did I really want them knowing how much of a failure I was?

"Maybe you what?" Hebi asked in a curious tone.

"Maybe I........" my voice changed to a tiny whisper, "Got kicked out." I sighed, staring at the floor.

"From the boarding school for bad boy? I don't believe it. I hear they are the breeding ground for the truly despicable. And if you ask me, ho ho, you are a handful."

"Yeah, that makes zero sense! Why would they kick you out? You were probably their best student!" Hebi said.

"Well, thank you, guys, but they told me I wasn't bad enough. They said I lacked the amoral ambition to be one of tomorrow's masterminds." I sighed. They'd called me a failure. And the worst thing was they weren't wrong. I held back tears.

"Well, they're wrong! You definitely have the amoral ambition to be one of tomorrow's masterminds! Actually you have enough amoral ambition to be one of today's masterminds!" Hebi said, and I smiled. Maybe I wasn't a failure after all.

"You'll show them!" Hebi said.

"Yeah, I'll show them!" I said, nodding in agreement.

"Then why don't we?" Pythor asked. Both me and Hebi stared at him confused.

"Why don't we what?" I asked.

"Let's get revenge on the very school that rejected you! And when the ninja come to the rescue, we'll have a trap laid out for them."

"A double revenge?"

"A double revenge. Get some rest. Hijacking an ice cream truck is a lot for anyone, and if you're going to rule the world, well, ho ho, you'll need to get your sleep. Oh, and one more thing."


"I'll be your friend." He then pulled me into a hug. I think. Either that or he was strangling me.

"Maybe don't hug him," Hebi said. I nodded in agreement as I fought the urge to yell and kick.

He quickly let go, and I breathed a sigh of relief. It took me a minute to calm down, but once I did I began to fall asleep.

I smiled. I wasn't a failure after all.

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