Chapter 54: The Great Devourer

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Wu's POV

"Ten minutes! He just broke his own record! The guy's inhuman!" Kai said. I chuckled. He did not know the beginning of it.

I sighed as I walked toward the edge of the boat. I wondered what Zane was doing down there. Probably thinking about last night's events.

Zane had only stopped crying when he'd fallen asleep. Even when he woke up this morning, he had still looked upset.

And to make matters worse it was my fault. I'd tried so hard to keep things hidden. To not tell my students anything unless it was absolutely necessary. And I'd managed to hurt my favorite student in the process.

Zane burst out of the water and we all cheered.

"Amazing!" Cole exclaimed

"We're not worthy!" Jay exclaimed.

"Wow! I underestimated you!" Hebi exclaimed.

"I broke the record?" Zane asked.

"You destroyed it!" Kai said.

"Okay, okay. Is anyone thinking what I'm thinking? We've been training for so long I don't think we can get any better. Just think about all we've accomplished," Jay said.


Kai ran on hot coals. We all cheered. He'd finally done it! After days of practicing he'd finally done it! Now if only Kai would open up about his abandonment issues.


Jay stood on top a tall tower during a thunderstorm, doing a handstand with one hand. We all cheered. He'd done it! Now to help Jay realize that he is good just the way he is.


Cole picked up a weight which was really heavy. He then picked it, Nya and Jay who were also holding weights up. I smiled. Now to teach him how to hold the weight of the loss of Lilly.

Flashback Over

"Except me! I have had zero progress! You haven't even taught me spinjitzu!" Hebi yelled. As usual, everyone ignored her. I sighed. I felt sorry for her. It must be hard having everyone ignore you.

"The question should be raised. Maybe we have reached our full potential," Cole said. I chuckled.

No, no they had not.


"Willy, you should tell them about what happened. Zane already doesn't trust you. What if the others stop trusting you too?" mother asked. I quickly shook my head.

"No! No! Absolutely not! They don't need to know about that! No one does!" I yelled.

"They might not need to know, but they know you're hiding something. If you don't tell them they'll-" I heard my students talking.


"Wu William Wu! How dare you shush me!" I gave her a begging look, and she sighed.

"We'll talk about this later," she said. I smiled.

I began to listen into my students' conversation.

"Well, every morning I do five hundred push ups," Zane said.

"Five hundred? Ha! Try a thousand," Kai said.

"Ah ha ha ha! I do a thousand and one," Jay said.

"A gazillion billion eighty nine jillion!" Hebi said. Everyone gave her looks. She chuckled.

Lies Of The Serpent: A Ninjago AUWhere stories live. Discover now