Chapter 41: I Didn't Leave!

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Hebi's POV

The gas dissipated, and I smiled.

"I'm immune to sleeping gas!" I said happily. I'd never known it till now, but that had to be the case since it hadn't affected me. This was awesome!

"Dang it! I guess it only works on humans," the samurai said.

"You mean I'm not immune to sleeping gas?" I said sadly.

"No, you're not immune to sleeping gas. Now if you excuse me I've got to take a call." They then walked away.

I sighed. I wasn't immune to sleeping gas!

I noticed something black.

"Lloydie!" I said hopefully. I began to run toward it.

Soon I saw Lloyd. He was sitting on a rock, and he seemed upset.

"Lloydie! Are you okay? Did Pythor hurt you?" I asked. He looked up and gave me a shocked expression.

"Hebi? But I thought you left," he said.

"No. Why would you think that?"

"Because Pythor told me. He said you said I'm a-a." He began to tear up.

"Lloydie, I don't know what he told you, but he's wrong. I'd never leave you. Never." He gave me a hopeful look.

"Really?" I nodded. He smiled.... For a second.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Y-You're lying." I stared at him confused.

"But I'm not. I didn't leave. Pythor-"

"Shut up! Just shut up."

"Lloydie, I'm not lying. I didn't-"

"Stop! Stop it! Just.... Stop pretending. Stop pretending to care. We both know you don't. No one does." I stared at him shocked.

"Lloydie, I don't know why you think that, but it's wrong. I care. Pythor might care." The part about Pythor was a complete lie.

"Your parents care," I finished. More tears filled his eyes.

"No, no they don't. They left. Everyone leaves. And why would they want to stay? I'm not great or even good. I'm just..... A failure. Just like you said." I stared at him confused.

"Since when did I call you a failure? "

"When you left. Pythor told me."


"Don't. I know he wasn't lying. Everyone leaves. You're no different."

"I am different! I promise." He glared.

"Many people have promised me many things over the years. All of these promises have been broken." I noticed something different about his eyes. They had a purplish tint to them now. I blinked. Was I seeing things or had Lloyd's eyes changed color?

"But I'm done. I'm done believing their fake promises."

"Lloydie, I'm sorry-"

"Shut up. I don't want to hear anymore of your lies."

"I never lied!" Okay, maybe I lied a bit. I sighed. Maybe if I told Lloyd that he'd realize that he could trust me.

"Okay, maybe I lied about you being a good villain." The look on his face changed from rage to saddness.

"I mean you could be a good villain I just don't see you as one." It was to late though. Lloyd began to sob slightly.

That's when a gas filled the bog. Lloyd began to stagger.

"What's wrong?" I asked. Lloyd groaned before passing out.

"What? Lloydie! Wake up!" I yelled. The samurai walked out of the darkness.

"Why did you do that?" I asked annoyed.

"We need to bring him to the bounty. If he were awake he would alert Pythor." I sighed. I guessed they were right.

Lloyd sleepily grabbed onto my leg. I don't know how because I was far away from the rock which he was on.

"Aww. He looks so sweet when he's sleeping! I almost forgot that he was just yelling at me!" I said. I easily put him on my shoulder.

"No! No! Please," Lloyd mumbled as he grabbed at the air.

"So talking in your sleep is a real thing," I said.

"You didn't know that? Didn't you live with a million people before joining the ninja?" the samurai asked.

"Yeah, but I never heard anyone sleep talking. Then again no one ever really slept."

"That's just.... Not possible. The body needs sleep and-"

"Mommy! Don't leave me!" Lloyd yelled , interrupting the samurai. The samurai glared at him.

"As I was saying the body needs sleep and-"

"I want to stay with mommy!"

"The body needs sleep and-"


"Okay, that's it! If that kid doesn't shut up I'm gonna make him shut up." I glared at them. They might not realize it, but I did. Lloyd was clearly upset about something, and from the sounds of it it was bad.

"Stop getting upset that he's interrupting you and realize that there's something seriously wrong! He's screaming and yelling abou-"

"We need to get him to shut up. Before Pythor," the samurai began, but then Pythor appeared.

"I almost forgot Floyd," he said.

"His name is Lloyd!" I yelled.

"Stop! Stop! Please," Lloyd mumbled.

"You're not leaving with Lloyd. Or at all for that matter," the samurai said. They began to attack Pythor.

Pythor's tale grabbed Lloyd. Pythor then ran. I sighed.

"We lost him," I said.

"Don't worry. We'll find him. Now it's time for you to go home," the samurai said. I sighed.

"Okay." The samurai flew me home. I smiled, realizing something.

This was going to be so fun to brag about.

Lies Of The Serpent: A Ninjago AUWhere stories live. Discover now