Chapter 1: Will You Help Me?

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Lloyd's POV

I sighed. I'd been kicked out of my home. They told me I wasn't bad enough. That I wasn't a true villain. That I was a goody goody. That I'd never succeed in the path of villainy. I wondered if they were right. Maybe I'd never be like my father.

As I thought about this I ran into a women.

As soon as she saw me she said, "Little boy, where are your parents?"

"I don't have any." Sadly it was true. I didn't know my father, and my mother was the person who left me at Darkly's, so I knew she didn't want me.

"Do you have any relatives?"

"No." That wasn't exactly true. The people at Darkly's never told me if I had any relatives. I thought my dad, who I knew for sure was lord Garmadon, had a brother. But for all I know I had 1,000 uncles. Besides they could have been lying when they said that. They were villains after all.

"Do you have anyone taking care of you?"

"No." Her face was filled with shock.

"That's horrible. What's you're name?"

"Lloyd Garmadon." She paled.

"Did you say Lloyd Garmadon? As in the son of lord Garmadon?"

"Yep. That's my name, and my dad is lord Garmadon."

"Umm.... I have to go. Sorry, kid." And with that she ran.

It went like that for a while. I'd run into an adult. They'd start asking me questions like, "Where are your parents", and, "Are you lost?" Then eventually they'd ask my name. Once I told them that they'd come up with an excuse to leave.

It really hurt. They seemed so willing to help one second, and the next they were running away. I couldn't help, but wonder why. Why did people keep running?

Since no one helped me I had to sleep outside. I hoped the next day would be better.

Lies Of The Serpent: A Ninjago AUWhere stories live. Discover now