Chapter 57: Talking To Hebi And The Falcon

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Molly's POV

"It's been way longer than a minute," I mumbled angrily as I walked into Julien's treehouse.

I'd been standing outside in the cold for hours. Was this supposed to be some type of joke cause if so then Zane was about to learn the new meaning of pain.

Once I noticed Zane wasn't there I yelled angrily, "Where's Zane? I need to talk to him about tricking people into standing in the cold for five hours." Okay, maybe five hours was an exaggeration, but it was still way to long!

"He ran away," said Sir. Falconington in his usual robotic voice. I sighed.

"Do you know where he is?" I asked.

"No. And you can not look for him. He left several hours ago. It is best if you inform the ninja of this predicament."

"You know I wish Julien had built you with emotions. Or at least empathy."

"Empathy requires emotions." I groaned.

"You know what I mean!"

I quickly grabbed Sir. Falconington.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Zane's gone, and you didn't do anything to stop it. So I'm punishing you by forcing you to live with the ninja."

"That does not seem like a punishment." I chuckled.

"Oh, but it is."


"Molly! You're back! I was worried you'd le-I mean Jay was worried about you," Kai said. I chuckled. No matter how hard that kid tried he would always be a terrible liar.

"I wasn't that worried!" Jay protested. I chuckled. Once again a ninja lied.

"Jay, you screamed about how Molly and Zane must be kidnapped or lost or-" Cole said.

"Okay, so I was worried! It's natural to be worried!"

"You weren't worried about Lloyd," Hebi said spitefully. I knew she was still mad about everyone ignoring Lloyd's kidnapping. But I also knew that that wasn't what she was really mad about.

"Hebi, the adults are talking about something actually important," Kai said. I chuckled. I'd seen him go to many lows over the years, but this...... This was a new one.

"But he is also a child," Sir. Falconington whispered quietly to me.

"Maybe he doesn't realize that," I whispered. It was supposed to be a joke, but he took it seriously.

"How does he not know that? It is quite clear."

"I forgot you didn't have a sense of humor."

"The falcon can talk?" Hebi asked quietly.

"Yes. But he isn't much fun to talk to," I whispered.

"Well, anything's better than listening to those three fight all day." I sighed. Even now they were fighting.

"I do not understand. Do they fight like this often?" Sir. Falconington whispered.

"Yes, way to often. Every moment of every single day. It's gotten worse since Molly came. No offense, Molly."

"None taken," I said.

"And why is that?" Sir. Falconington asked. I wasn't sure if he was talking about me not taking offense or the fighting getting worse. It was probably the fighting, but you never know.

"Well, before Molly came we had a big fight. Kai was lying about our conversation with N-I mean the cyborg samurai thing, and he noticed that I didn't eat as much as everyone else and for no reason he started insulting me! Then I left. I'm assuming everyone's mad at each other because everyone thinks it was someone else's fault. Except for Kai. I'm pretty sure he realizes it was his fault and is just blaming Jay because he can," Hebi said. I stared at her.

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