Chapter 7: You're Not Garmadon

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Kai's POV

We had begun to head for Jamanakai village when we heard Jay yell, "Wait for me!"

Quickly we all stopped and waited for him. When he had caught up we continued to head for Jamanakai.

After a while I asked a question that had been on my mind for a while. "You guys believe what sensei said about unlocking our full potential?"

"He may be on to something. I mean since we got these golden weapons it's not like we've ever had to use them. I wonder what they do," Jay said.

"I for one look forward to the future. If there is more for us to accomplish let it be," Zane said.

"Don't know about you, but is anyone else a little excited about battling lord Garmadon? I've been looking forward to trying out some new spinjitzu moves. Could be the perfect opportunity," Cole said. I wasn't excited.

I didn't understand why you'd be excited to fight such a dangerous villain. Sure I pretended to be excited. I pretended that I wasn't scared, but I was. Wu was right. We weren't ready yet. Lord Garmadon probably had something new up his sleeve. Something dangerous. I was worried. Not just for me, but for my sister too.

Still I pretended I was excited and said, "Yeah, I'm excited, but we'll probably defeat him super easily."

"Race you there," Jay asked. And the race was on.

"Jamanakai village. First ninja there wins," I said.

I landed first, and before anyone could say otherwise I yelled, "I was first!"

"No! No one was faster than me," Jay said. And me and Jay began to fight over who was first. Although it was me.

We stopped when were heard screaming coming from the village.

I heard a menacing laugh that was definitely lord Garmadon's. His shadow was equally menacing.

"Stay sharp fellas. Whatever happens never let your guard down," I said.

Then he came into view.

"It is I, Lloyd Garmadon, son of lord Garmadon! Fear me and give me all the candy in town or else," commanded a child who was most definitely not lord Garmadon.

"Lloyd Garmadon? I thought we were gonna face lord Garmadon," Jay said confused.

"It's his son. Looks like he escaped his boarding school for bad boys again, and to thing we could have been doing spinjitzu already," Cole said. I personally was relieved. We had more time to prepare.

"Uh give me your candy, or- or else I'll release the serpentine on you," Lloyd yelled, looking more and more scared by the second. The villagers yelled at him. They must have been just as annoyed as us.

Lloyd opened a can of rubber snakes which I think was supposed to scare them, but it didn't. People began to throw tomatoes and other garbage at him.

"No, wait. I asked for candy, not vegetables. I hate vegetables," He yelled.

"He's gonna have to do a lot better than use an old bedtime story to scare people," I said.

"The serpentine are real, Kai. They are not something to joke about," Zane said. I knew he was smart, but the serpentine were obviously fake.

"Serpentine? Real? We're talking about the ancient race of snake people who once ruled Ninjago, and were supposedly locked underground," I said.

"Sealed in five different tombs to separate the warring tribes, and ensure they don't unify to exact their revenge upon those who put them there," Jay said.

"It was an old wives' tale to teach kids not to poke our noses where they don't belong. Don't you think it's a little suspicious no one's ever found one of their tombs," I said.

"That's because you'd be a fool to look for one. If there was anything I hated more than dragons it was snakes, rubber or not," Cole said.

We grabbed Lloyd, and Cole said, "Don't worry, folks. We'll take care of this. Nothing to see here."

Lloyd yelled, "Bow down to me, or suffer my rath! I'll give you to the count of three."

We continued, ignoring him.



"What are we supposed to do? Spank him," I asked.

"Two and a half."

Eventually we decided to hang him to a lamp post.

"You've just made me your nemesis! Mark my words, you'll pay for this! All of you will pay," Lloyd yelled as we laughed at him.

Zane bought some candy.

Next time, try paying for your candy," Cole said.

"Crime doesn't pay, muchacho. You can take that to the bank," I said.

"Mmm... Cotton candy," Jay said mockingly.

As we walked away I could hear him yelling stuff like, "You'll roe the day you messed with me", and "You will all pay!", and eventually, and I don't think anyone else heard him, he yelled in a tone that sounded like he was about to cry, "You think mocking me hurts me, but it doesn't! I've heard it all! It doesn't hurt! It only fuels my rage! You'll all suffer! All of you! You'll all pay!" I guess I forgot that he was just a child. A child who was a villain, but still a child.

I didn't think much about it though, because I discovered something much more important.

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