Chapter 25: Not Afraid

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Lloyd's POV

Me and Hebi walked through the dark.

"It's not scary," I reminded myself.

"You sure? Cause you're acting like it's scary," Hebi said.

"Okay, maybe just a little. But I like scary."


"Not lies! I'm the son of the dark lord. I love the dark!"

"Oh! You're afraid of the dark."

"Did I say that?"

"No, but you implied it."

"I'm not scared. I eat this stuff for breakfast!"

I saw a monster and screamed, clinging to Hebi.

"I knew you were scared!"

"I'm n-not. I just thought it was-"

"It's okay to be scared, Lloydie."

"Not for me! Fear makes you weak, and I can't be weak."

"You know they say the same thing for love."

"Ew! Loves gross! Why are we even talking about it?"

"I meant sibling love. Like us. Not real love. Real love's gross! I'm never going to fall in love!"

"Me too!"

"Anyways we need to find the fangpyres if we want to make the hypnobrai suffer for betraying us. Because if there's anything a snake doesn't like it's another snake. I should know I am one!"

"Here. By the mutated tree. I found it! I win!" We'd made searching for the fangpyres' tomb a game, and I'd just won.

I began to open the tomb.

"Soon the serpentine will know who their master is, and it will be I, Lloyd Garmadon!"

Lightning struck, and I screamed again.

"The dark and lightning. I'm shocked. You seem so brave!" Hebi said.

"I'm not scared!"

"Whatever," Hebi said as she opened the tomb.

Millions of fangpyres ran out, and I screamed in terror.

"And who," one of the fangpyes' heads said.

"May I say released us," the other continued.

"From our captivity?"

"L-Lloyd," I said terrified.

"And me, Hebi!" Hebi added, sounding a lot less scared then me.

"We released you to make the hypnobrai pay for betraying us," I said, sounding a lot braver than I felt.

The fangpyre said, "Isn't she."

"A hypnobrai?"

"Why would her."

"Own kind."

"Betray her?"

"Cause their jerks! And they hate me... For some reason," Hebi said.

The fangpyre said, "Those hypnotizing deceivers."

"Even betraying."

"Their own kind."

"It would be."

"Our pleasure."

"To make them suffer."

"Oh, good," I said, breathing a sigh of relief. I was worried the fangpyres might try to kill me.

"I'll lead the way," I said, "Then after that there's some ninja I want dealt with."

The fangpyre said, "Sounds like."

"You know."

"What you want."

"But the hypnobrai are strong."

"So are we!" Hebi said.

"You two are merely children."

"And we are few in numbers."

"We need."


"What did you have in mind?" I asked curiously.

Lies Of The Serpent: A Ninjago AUWhere stories live. Discover now