Chapter 38: Rumors

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Hebi's POV

I walked into Kai's room as soon as he was about to play his game.

"Hey, Kai! Saw Cole beat your high score. You should have seen it. It was amazing," I said.

"Uh, you must be talking about Sitar Legend. This is Fist To Face Two. No one beats me on my game," he said.

"Well, he did. Go see for yourself." I pointed toward the TV. He turned it on, and saw that Cole's profile was on all the high scores.



I noticed Cole stirring some soup.

"Mmm, mmm! Violet berry soup, my culinary achievement. If the recipe is not followed exactly-" he said before trying some and gagging from the taste. I chuckled. Why was he shocked? From what the ninja told me his cooking was horrible.

I walked in.

"Hiya, Cole! I noticed Jay putting some stuff in your soup. He said your cooking could use it, and from the sound of it he wasn't wrong. Just wanted to tell you that. Bye!" I said before walking away.



I saw Jay prepare to fight his training bot. He put on some armor and grabbed his nunchucks.

"Let's ease our way into this. How about level two shall we?" he said to the robot. I chuckled. Why was he talking to a robot?

The robot turned on, but instead of being at level two it was at level nine.

"Hi, Jay. I saw Zane messing with your robot earlier. Isn't that your job? Bye!" I said before walking away.

"Wait, what?" Jay asked as he tried to turn it off. But it didn't turn off instead it to began to attack.

"No! No! Zane!"


I walked up to Zane, who was doing his laundry.

"Hello, Hebi. What brings you up here this fine morning?" he asked.

"Kai wanted me to grab his ninja suit. He told me he put it in with your whites," I said. I pulled out Kai's ninja suit.

"Found it! Bye!"

There was silence. I smiled. It was the quiet before the storm.


"You couldn't just be happy with the top score? You had to rub it in my face!" Kai yelled.

"Do you know how long it took me to make that? Three days! Three. Days," Cole yelled.

"It's an unsaid law, okay? You don't touch a man's robot!" Jay yelled.

"How am I supposed to strike fear in this? It's pink!" Zane yelled.

I burst out laughing. This was even funnier than I expected!

Wu opened the door which I was hiding behind, and the ninja stared at me for a second until the realization hit them.

"I thought you like pink!" I said, still laughing.

They gasped, before angrily asking, "You did this?"

"Of course I did this! Wasn't I your enemy like three days ago? What made you think you could trust me?" I said.

"Boys, I get first dibs on-" Cole began. I merely smiled. I knew he couldn't hurt me.

Lies Of The Serpent: A Ninjago AUWhere stories live. Discover now