Chapter 27: Why Didn't I Visit Them Sooner?

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Jay's POV

"Sure got a lot of junk pilling up. If only there was a place we could get rid of it," Kai said as he and Zane walked away. I couldn't believe they were trying to pressure me to visit my parents. They'd just visited yesterday!

"If you don't mind I'm trying to focus," I said as I continued working on the defense system.

"Hi, mom and dad, of course I'd love to visit. What kind of son would I be if I didn't want to?" Cole said, obviously pretending to be on the phone.

"Hahaha! I know what you're trying to do. Okay, look, I might've promised to visit my parents, but there's a lot of stuff on my plate. Plus my parents just visited me yesterday. Literally a day ago!" I said very annoyed.

Nya walked in, and I quickly cleaned myself up.

"Heheh. Hi, Nya," I said shyly.

"You gonna visit your parents today?" she asked.

"Uh, sure am! Just about to leave."

"Tell them I say hi!" She left the room.

Everyone gave me looks.

"What? So my plate's not that full."

We left the bounty to grab our dragons. For some reason Wisp wouldn't leave his stable.

"Come on, Wisp! It'll be a quick visit. Just in and out. Nothing more," I said as I struggled to get him out of his stable.

"Hmm. It is as I suspected. The dragons are molting. They're shedding their scales," sensei Wu said, confusing me.

"What does that mean?"

"Every adolescent dragon goes through a transformation before it become an adult. Similar to us humans."

"So they're going through puberty?"

"Kind of. We must allow them to migrate east to the spirt coves for their transformation."

"Will we see them again?" I didn't want to never see Wisp again.

"It is hard to say, but we need to allow them to follow their path."

"Rocky's going east?" Cole asked, looking really upset. He left, still looking upset.

I walked up to Nya and said, hoping that she would visit my parents with me, "Well, I guess I gotta go on this long walk all by myself. Sure be nice to have some company...."

"Of course we'll go, buddy," Kai said, and everyone else joined in. Before I knew it everyone had agreed to come. I sighed. Why couldn't I have some alone time with Nya?

As we walked, sensei Wu played his flute.

"Of all the days to lose our ride," I said.

"That flute," Zane said, pointing to sensei Wu's flute, "You have never told us why it is so special."

"Long ago there were many flutes created to combat the powers of the serpentine and drive them underground. But over time Ninjago's forgotten it's ancestor's wisdom, and now this is the only one," sensei Wu said. He played more music.

"I get the lesson. Respect your elders or else suffer the consequences. Boy, are you guys' laying it on thick," I said annoyed.

"Perhaps you are only hearing what you need to hear."

I stopped in my tracks once I realized how quiet it was. It was never quiet. Something was wrong.

"What is it?" Nya asked.

"It's quiet. My family is never quiet." I quickly ran to make sure my parents were safe. What if the serpentine got them?

I heard grunting from our fridge. I opened it to find my parents. They were tied up and had tape over their mouths.

"What happened? Who did this?" I asked as I ripped the tape off their mouths.

"SSSSweetheart, you came," mom said.

"Oh, you gotta get out of here. You shouldn't have come. It'ssss the ssssnakes!" dad said.

"The bite of the fangpyre! Once they sink their teeth their venom can turn anything into a serpent. It's only a matter of time before the full transformation is complete," sensei Wu said. I noticed that my parents' had a tiny bump on there back. They were forming tales!

A bunch of serpentine appeared. One was driving a serpentine bull dozer.

"Uh, is that wrecking ball staring at me?" Cole asked. The wrecking ball looked very creepy.

The wrecking ball was about to hit my parents when I yelled, "Duck!" and pushed them out of the way.

"Thankssss, sssson!" dad said.

"Lloyd!" Wu yelled, bringing attention to Lloyd.

"And Hebi! Don't forget about me!" a pink serpentine said.

"I was wondering what your name was," Zane said. I stared at him confused.

"You know this kid?"

"Yes, we met the other day. She called me a nindroid."

"Why would she call you a nindroid? She does know nindroid means ninja android right?"

"Yeah! He acts like a robot. It was an easy mistake," Hebi said.

"Hello, maybe uncle," Lloyd said,

"Maybe uncle?" I asked confused.

"Lloyd, please call me uncle since I am your uncle," sensei Wu said.

"You're Lloyd's uncle? Why didn't you tell us?" I asked shocked.

"It did not seem important."

"Looks like everyone keeps important secrets from people," Lloyd said.

"Not true! I don't," I said. Mostly.

"Don't be rude, Lloydie. You're not the only one having a family reunion," Hebi said before laughing maniacally.

Zane nudged me slightly.

"She is being forced," he said.

"What?" I asked.

"Someone is forcing her to do this. I can tell.


"I do not know. I just can." I didn't really believe him.

"I'm glad you brought the ninja. I could use some help taking out the trash!" Mwahahaha!" Lloyd said, smiling an evil smile.

"Nice one, Lloydie!" Hebi said before high fiving Lloyd.

"Or maybe she is not forced. It is hard to tell," Zane said. I sighed. Was she being forced or not?

"If we want to turn your parents back we need the antivenom in the staff," Nya said. I nodded. Time to save my parents.

Lies Of The Serpent: A Ninjago AUWhere stories live. Discover now