Chapter 52: A Fight And A Mysterious Women

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Kai's POV

"He was all mysterious. Never said a word. Then handed me the golden weapons and poof. He was gone," I said as I ate.

"Poof? He just poofed?" Cole asked.

Hebi gave me an annoyed look.

"Yes, she just poofed. That's obviously what happened. Can we, please, talk about something else?" she asked.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute, Kai. If the samurai had his hands on the most powerful weapons in the whole wide world why would he just give them back to you?" Jay asked.

"Cyborg-You know what. Never mind. Forget it," Hebi said before picking at her food.

I noticed her plate was still filled with food. Was she not eating?

"Hebi, you okay?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" She quickly smiled at me before going back to playing with her food.

"Well, you're not eating and-"

"So? I don't usually eat."

"Did you just say you don't usually eat? Do you know how unhealthy that is?"

"It's not unhealthy. I've been doing this for a while, and I'm just fine. Plus I still eat. Just not as much as you. I'm pretty sure serpentine eat less than humans or something."

"Okay......... I still don't think that's healthy."

"Whatever! Can you, please, go back to bragging?"

"Fine," I realized what she'd said, "I'm not bragging!"

"Look, I'm really not in the mood to go back and forth all day, so let's just agree that you're bragging. Like you always do. It's fine. I don't mind. No one minds. So just continue, please?"

I gave her a confused look. It was the way she always ended an argument, but....... Different. Like she wanted to end it to so badly that she wouldn't even let the arguing start.

"Are you sure there isn't something wrong? You're acting.....................Strange."

I didn't know what happened. One second we were having a conversation. The next she was storming out of the room, screaming random nonsense.

"Hebi! Come back!" I yelled.

"Why do you want me to come back? So that you don't seem like the bad guy? Well, guess what you are the bad guy! You don't even care about Lloyd!" she yelled.

"I do care! I went looking for him! I-" But it was to late. She'd left the room.

"So........... Kai, are you gonna answer my question?" Jay asked. I gave him an annoyed look.

"Sure! Let's just completely ignore the fact that Hebi just stormed out!"

"I wasn't trying to be rude."

"Then what were you trying to do? Cause it really seemed like-"

"Shut up! Just shut up! You two are sounding like my parents!" Cole yelled. We all stared at him confused.

"Your parents?" I asked.

"They fought a lot! Mainly about me.............. But that's not important. What's important is that you two fight constantly, and it's starting to get annoying. So either resolve your differences or just swallow your feelings and never ever bring them up again!"

"Cole, are you okay?" Jay asked.

"Yes, I'm fine." Cole quickly left.

"Look what you did!" I yelled, "You made Cole leave! Now it's just me, you, Nya, sensei Wu, and Zane!"

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