Chapter 44: Digging For A Lost City

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Lloyd's POV

"Can we go yet?" I asked. Pythor continued digging.

"Please? This is boring!" Pythor continued to ignore me. I grumbled.

"We're wasting our time, Pythor. There's nothing here but sand and dust," Scales said.

"Yeah. Plus how can an entire city be underground? That makes no sense," I added.

"An entire population was underground. It's not that different, Floyd," Pythor said. I sighed. I'd tried to correct him many times, but each time he'd just ignore me. Did friends ignore you this often? Probably. That's what all the friends I'd had so far had done. Except for Hebi.

But she wasn't a real friend.

I balled my hands into fists. Just thinking about her made me mad.

I began to kick and punch a boulder in rage. If I could just destroy it I would feel better.

"Is he doing it again?" Pythor asked. Scales turned towards me.

"Yes. I do not understand what he is trying to do to that boulder," Scales said.

"Destroy it! My dad destroys everything!," I began.

Like my chances of having a normal life.

I quickly shook my head. I'd just calmed down. I didn't need to get all upset again.

Plus I liked being a villain. I liked being like my father. I liked being the son of Garmadon.

"And I wanna be just like him, so I've got to destroy everything!" I finished.

"Like. This. Stupid. Boulder!" I yelled angrily as I kicked it. Why couldn't it just break?

"You're going to hurt yourself if you continue doing that," Pythor said.

"I don't care! If dad could do it then so can I!" I yelled.

"Remind me. Who is your dad?" Scales asked.

"Lord Garmadon, the dark lord," I said.

"And who exactly is Garmadon? What does he do?"

"I don't know what he's doing currently, but in the past he was trying to steal the golden weapons. People say he destroyed things often." I smiled when a piece of the boulder came off.

"People say? You don't know?"

"No, I don't know. I never knew my dad. I never knew any of my parents. I didn't even know the ninja's sensei was my uncle until he told me."

"You didn't? How come?"

"I grew up at Darkly's, a boarding school for bad boys. My parents never visited, and no one ever told me about my parents." I stopped kicking the boulder. I was starting to feel tired.

"That sounds quite interesting. Tell me more. Did you learn anything good there?"

"Lots. Like how to break into a house without anyone noticing. Or do the perfect evil laugh. Actually, I've been practicing. Wanna hear?"

"Sure." I did my best evil laugh.

"That was excellent!" He then turned towards me.

"Lloyd, are you okay? You look like you haven't slept in days. And there is something..... Off about your eyes," Scales said. I stared at him confused.

"Huh?" I began to feel even more exhausted.

"There...... Flickering." I stared at him confused.

"Like a fire?"

"No, from brown to purple. Is that normal?" I continued staring at him confused.

"I'm confused."

"There changing color." I yawned.

"Color? What do you mean......" I nodded off.

"Lloyd! Wake up!" He hit me in the face. Hard.

"S-Sorry. I'm r-really sorry. I didn't mean to," I began ranting about something completely unrelated to what was happening.

For a second I thought I was back. Back at Darkly's. I thought he was one of the teachers. That he'd hurt me.

"Lloyd, what are you talking about?"

"Please don't- wait you're not gonna hurt me." I breathed a small sigh of relief. These people were my friends. They would never hurt me the way the teachers at Darkly's did.

"Why did you think we'd hurt you?"

"Because that's what the people at Darkly's did. For a second I thought...... I thought...... I thought I was back. That you were one of them. I'm really sorry about my reaction."

"It is fine. How about when we're done we get some candy?"

"Yes, please!"

"Now I'm going to go and help Pythor. No kicking the boulder, okay?"

"Okay." He smiled, and walked off.

I sighed. It was nice having such good friends.

I began to lay on the boulder. The sun warming me. It was like I was being covered in a warm blanket. I felt so safe. Just me and my friends. No one to hurt me.

Soon my tired eyes began to droop. Before I knew it I was fast asleep.


I woke up several hours later. Scales and Pythor were fighting.

"Face it your first attempt to unite the tribes failed, and now that you have lost your flock you've become desperate. So desperate that you are housing a child because you think he's important. Although I've found a liking to him, I still do not see his use. How is he supposed to help us? You say he has powers of green and gold, but all I've ever seen is his eyes changing color. And it was purple! Not green or gold!" Scales said.

"I am desperate, my disloyal number two, but only to bring our kind together, so that we can unleash the great devourer," Pythor said. I stared at them confused.

"I have powers?" I asked, walking toward them.

"Lloyd, you're awake!" Scales said.

"Yeah, sorry about not telling you guys about that. Honestly I didn't plan to take a nap."

"You mean you just passed out?"

"No...... I nodded off. There's a difference........... I think."

"Do you feel better?" I stared at him confused.

"Earlier you said you had a headache."

"Oh! That. Yeah, I feel better........Mostly," I answered. Now that he'd mentioned it I realized that I still had a slight headache, but it was mostly gone.

"I guess I just needed some sleep."

"That makes sense. Especially since almost every night you've woken up screaming about something," Pythor said in an irritated tone. I knew he was still mad about the fact that I kept waking him up.

"Sorry about that. I'm not trying to wake you up."

"It's fine." Pythor found a dial thingy and smiled.

"Scales, Floyd, I believe we've found it." He turned the dial, and the sand began to go down like it was water being poured down a drain. Soon a city appeared I stared shocked. They're really was a city underground!

"I present to you the city formally known as the lost city of ouroboros." I looked around. This was so cool!

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