Chapter 56: A Painful Realization

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Zane's POV

We were hanging missing posters for the fangblade. Like the fangblades were some type of pet that we had lost. It was really embarrassing.

Especially since this was one of the towns I had lived in. I was pretty sure anyone who saw us putting them up thought I came up with the idea.

So I did not help much and complained about it as much as possible. It was not to be rude, but to show everyone that this was not my idea.

"Ugh, this is silly!" I said.

"You have any better ideas?" Cole asked, sounding annoyed.

"Hey, maybe sensei is gonna go get the samurai for help," Jay said. I walked away. Maybe I could ask around.

As I walked towards a house I stopped. It felt like something was calling me. I went into some sort of trance like state. I noticed the falcon flying in the sky. I began to follow it.

I walked for what felt like hours. But no matter how tired I got I did not stop. I did not know why, but it felt like I needed to follow it.

Soon I was in a snowy forest. It felt strangely familiar and comforting. Like home.

I noticed a sign. It said beware of treehorns. I stared at it. I was not familiar with a treehorn, but it sounded familiar.

I shrugged. It was probably some type of squirrel.

Then a squirrel appeared. For some strange reason this squirrel had purple eyes. I stared at it. Maybe this was a treehorn?

The treehorn nudged me and pointed toward the sky, reminding me that I was still following the falcon. I continued to run after it.

"Where are we going, my mysterious friend?" I asked.

The falcon then stopped and fell out of the sky. I ran toward it and noticed mechanical sparks shooting out of it. I stared shocked.

"You are a robot?" I asked. I picked it up and placed it somewhere else.

A giant robot appeared. He scanned me.

"Intruder. Intruder. Prepare to be terminated," he said. He shot fireballs at me. I easily dodged them before turning my golden weapon into a vehicle. I drove my vehicle over a bump, causing me to fly. I quickly turned my vehicle back into my golden weapon and threw it at the robot. As I landed I noticed a latch. My other shuriken came back.

I did spinjitzu, covering him in snow.

"Intruder. Intruder. Prepare to be terminated," he said. I chuckled.

"You are the one being terminated," I said. I quickly broke the latch, destroying the robot.

I noticed that it had a symbol on it. It was the same symbol that was on the falcon. I walked back to where I had put the falcon and looked at the back of it's head to check. I was correct. It was the same symbol.

I noticed a tree with the same symbol on it.

"Where have you brought me, my falcon friend," I said. I walked to the mysterious tree and realized that it had a door. I opened the door to reveal a small house. It must have been an inventor's house because it had many blueprints and inventions.

As I walked down the stairway I noticed the blueprints for the falcon. I smiled.

"I can save you!" I exclaimed happily. I quickly fixed it. It flew around the room before going to land on my hand.

"You brought me here but why?" I asked.

I noticed another blueprint and pulled it out. After a moment of reading it I had a terrible realization.

"No! It can't be! No! No!" I screamed. I fell to my knees and began to cry.

No, this was not happening. It could not be happening. I was normal. I was human. I was not.... That!

After a moment of crying a felt someone touch my shoulder.

"I am sorry you had to find out this way." I turned to see Molly.

"Wh-What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I followed you." I stared at her.

"You followed me? Why would you do that?"

"To make sure you didn't get lost."

"Oh.... That makes sense...... Wait....... Was this the thing sensei Wu did not want to tell me?" She nodded. Anger filled me.

"Why? Why did he not tell me? Did he not think that I might want to know this?" I asked angrily.

"He didn't want you to have to suffer the painful realization without your memories."

"We both know that is a lie. He said it might bring back my memories like it was a bad thing. He does not want me to remember." I stared at her.

"Why did you lie? Why did sensei hide that from me? What are you two hiding?" She chuckled.

"Nothing. We're hiding absolutely nothing. Willy just likes to keep his secrets." I glared at her.

"Tell me the truth." She sighed.

"Zane, some things are best kept secret." I chuckled angrily.

"You are such a hypocrite! You are constantly telling sensei that he should not keep secrets, but you refuse to reveal your own!"

"That is different. I-You don't need to know. Please understand." I shook my head.

"No. Tell me. How did you know I was a nindroid? Why did you keep it a secret? Who is Julien? How did Hebi know? How long have you kno-"

"Julien is your father. That is all I'm telling you." I stopped.

"He is my father?" I asked my voice shaky.


"And I-I did not know it."

"I did not recognize my own father's name," I said. I felt tears escape my eyes. My own father. And I forgot him. How could I do that? I must be a horrible person if I could just forget my father like that. No caring person would do that. No normal person would do that.

Then I realized. I was not normal. I was not even human. There was no possible way I could be normal. I would always be a freak.

"Zane, let's go back home," Molly said.

"Can I have a minute? To think about this?" I asked. She nodded.

"I'll be outside when you're ready." I sighed.

I did not want to go back. Back to a place where I did not fit in. To a place where no one would ever understand me. A place where people lied and kept secrets.

But I could not stay here either. After a long enough time Molly would take me home whether I wanted to or not.

After a minute of thinking I created a plan. I would run away. To where? I did not know. I just knew that it would be anywhere but home. Home was where sensei Wu, the person who hid my past from me, was. Home was where I was ridiculed by my supposed friends. Of course I would still be ridiculed outside of my home, but at least it would be by strangers and not people I cared for.

The falcon looked at me.

"Don't do it. Running away from your problems never works," it said. I chuckled.

"Listening to birds never works either."

I then ran.

Author's Note: The falcon is communicating with Zane telepathically. This works similar to how we use the internet.

Yes, Zane does believe he is hearing things whenever the falcon talks to him.

Hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter, and are enjoying the book so far.

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