Chapter 60: An Amusement Park Instead Of A Restaurant

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Jay's POV

"Did I ever tell you I was the first one to learn spinjitzu? No-no-no-no, I mean, uh, I invented spinjitzu. Yeah, that's it. And I invented a few other moves like the karate double chop chop. Wha! Wha!" I exclaimed as I practiced for my date with Nya.

I noticed my hand was green.

"No. No, no, no! The prick from the fangpyre fang! Oh no, this isn't happening. No, it's nothing. It's just a rash. It'll probably just go away. You're gonna do great, Jay. This is your chance to shine. Heh, heh," I reassured myself.


I walked into the bridge, wearing gloves so that no saw my rash. They might think I was getting infected by fangpyre venom, which I was not. Not at all.

"Whoa! Where are you going, Mr. Fancy?" Cole asked. I smiled.

"Didn't you hear? I'm taking Nya to a nice restaurant. A really nice restaurant," I said.

"Really? Good for her. Nice to see she's found a boy that she likes. Cause there was no one else that she liked. No one at all," Cole said angrily through clenched teeth. I stared at him confused.

"You seem upset..." Cole chuckled angrily.

"Why would I be upset? There's absolutely nothing I could be upset about. Nothing at all. Now if you excuse me I'm going to go get myself some cake."

"Can I come?" Hebi asked. Cole sighed.

"Sure." Hebi smiled, and the started leaving to go get the cakes.

"Jay, you might wanna change your plans. The bridge just picked up evidence of serpentine activity over at mega monster amusement park," Kai said. Cole stopped in his tracks. Hebi stared at him confused.

"So Jay can't go? Aw, that's so sad. I feel so sorry for you," he said, but I didn't believe him. He was smiling.

"Do not make assumptions. There is still a chance that Jay Walker could go," the falcon said.

"He shouldn't. We believe a fangblade might be buried underneath the park," Kai said.

"We can't let them get it! Oh, but my date!" I said.

"Jay, stop being selfish! We need to take any chance we can get to save Lloyd!" Hebi said.

"And?" Kai prompted.

"And what?" Everyone gave her a look.

"And If Pythor gets all of the fangblades he could unleash the great devourer," she mumbled.

I sighed. I guess I'm not going on a date with Nya.

That's when I had an idea.


I opened the door to Nya's room.

"Nya, you there?" I asked. Nya quickly closed the door.

"Don't come in! I'm getting ready," she said.

"Well, um, I-I just wanna talk to you about our date. You know I'm hearing really bad reviews about the restaurant and I just..... You know I think we should cancel."

She opened the door.

"Oh, you're canceling?"

"No, no. I just wanted to know if you would rather go to the mega monster amusement park instead."

"Really? That would be perfect! But aren't you a bit overdressed?" I looked down at my clothing. I was kinda overdressed, but I couldn't get rid of the gloves or else everyone would see my rash! And I didn't want that.

"Well, yeah, but-of course I need to change." She then kicked something and it made a loud "Clang!" noise.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Nothing! You know what I'll dress up too! Looks fun!" She walked behind a wall.

"Hey, I was thinking you know we'd take my storm glider there."

"Sounds like fun!"

She walked out wearing a pink kimino. I stared in awe. She was so beautiful.

"I'm in your hands."

We walked out, holding each other's hands. I smiled. This was going to be a good date.

Lies Of The Serpent: A Ninjago AUWhere stories live. Discover now