Chapter 21: Are You Really My Friend?

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Hebi's POV

I sighed as I stared out the cage.

I was starting to regret what I'd done earlier.


"No!!!!!" I yelled as I saw Lloyd fall through a hole in the ground.

"Why did you do that? Isn't he your friend?" I said angrily.

Why would they do that? Didn't they like Lloyd? Sure he was a bit rude, but he was still really nice once you got to know him.

"Hebi Slithers, the child was a nuisance. He bossed us around and did not care for our well being," Scales replied. I sighed.

Why did he always call me by my first and last name. It didn't make any sense. Why couldn't he just call me by my first name. Why did he always have to call me by my full name?

"Why do you always call me Hebi Slithers? Why not call me Hebi or Hebs? I'd like to be called Hebs."

"That is my preference. Now I assume you agree that Garmadon's child deserves any pain that he gets."

"No! He's my friend!"

"You are only saying that because you are desperate. You have never had a friend, so you pretended that that child is one when he is not."

"Th-That's not true! Lloydie's my friend! Why else would he let me stay here even though I'm a girl?"

"I do not know. But I do know that he is not truly your friend. He treats you like you are a nuisance and has not once shown signs of wanting to be your friend."

He was right about that. Every time we talked it would always turn into a fight. Now that I thought about it he seemed to hate me.

But still he acted nice sometimes, and when he acted nice he actually acted like a real friend, so there was still hope.

"He acts nice just not all the time!"

"Or do you just pretend he acts nice?" Did I? I didn't think so.

"I don't pretend he acts nice! And even if I do he acts nicer than any of you guys have!"

"That is not true. We keep you alive when we could very easily kill you. It would save us time and resources to get rid of you. But we don't because we care about you."

I began to second guess myself until I realized Scales was lying.

"No! Stop with the mind games! I know you don't care about me! You tell me everyday about how much of a problem I am, and that it would be better if I was dead, and that the only reason you don't kill me is because you need as many people to help out as possible!" It hurt admitting it, but it was true. The only people who cared about me were my parents.

"You are right. We do not care, but that is not important. We are still your family, and Lloyd is merely a brat who wants to boss you around. Besides there is nothing you can do to stop us from destroying Lloyd." He was wrong. There was one thing.

"If you destroy him you'll have to destroy me too!" They would never destroy me. I was a child. Only people with no heart would destroy a child.

"Okay then. Put her in the cage!"

"Wh-What?" I couldn't believe they'd actually do it.

"You really thought we'd hesitate to kill you. I've been wanting to get rid of you for years, and I'm sure everyone else has too." There were sounds of agreement. I couldn't believe it! Everyone was okay with destroying a child!

They threw me in a cage, and I just sat there in shock.

Flashback Over

I should've fought back instead of saying that.

"Hebi, how did you get here?" Lloyd asked. I stared at him confused.

"I told Scales that if he destroys you he'd have to destroy me too....... And he agreed," I said.

"By agreed do you-"

"Mean he decided to destroy me? Yeah. It didn't go the way I planned."

"You-You sacrificed your own life for me? Why would you do that?"

"Because you're my friend, Lloydie."


"But what?"

"I've been horrible to you. How could you still want to be my friend?"

"Well, Scales says I'm desperate, but I think it's because you're actually a good person even if you try to hide it."

"But I'm not! I'm the son of Garmadon!"

"Fine. You're not a good person, but you're still fun to be around."

"Thanks. So can we be friends? I know you said we are, but I just want to make sure."

"Of course! You're my BFF, and you'll always be!"

Lloyd smiled. It wasn't a cruel smile like I'd seen many times before. It was a happy smile. A real smile.

He laughed.

"What are you laughing about?" I asked.

"I just realized. My only friends are girls. I hate girls." He made a fake mad face. I began to laugh too.

It was funny. Even though we were in such a horrible situation we still managed to find something to smile about.

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