Chapter 46: Telling Hebi The Little I Know

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Zane's POV

I tried to slow my breath. I was panicking.

I quickly grabbed a small machine that I had been working on the past few months. I had stopped working on it when the serpentine attacked, but I still worked on it when I was stressed.

I found inventing calming. It helped focus my mind on something productive.

I felt a small tap on my shoulder and jumped, yelling quite loudly.

"Zane, I'm not that scary," Hebi said. I sighed.

"Sorry. I have just been-" I began to say before being interrupted.

"Stressed? I know. That's why I made you take a break..... What ya building?"

"He is a robot. I plan for him to be my assistant once I finish building him of course. I'm still trying to think of a good name for him. How does James sound?"

"Boring. Pick something cool like Titanium X Z."

"What kind of name is Titanium X Z?"

"A cool one. Titanium cause it's made out of titanium-"

"He is made out of metal."

"Whatever. X cause it sounds cool-"

"That is a dumb reason."

"Rude. And Z cause your name starts with a Z."

"Also a dumb reason. I think I am going to stick to James."

"Why would you even pick a name like that?"

"Cause it is my middle name." Although James was my middle name, that was not the reason I had picked that name. I was not quite sure why, but the name James felt special to me. More special than it being my middle name.

"Lame. Mine's cooler."

"I do not care about if it is "cool" or not. I just want a good name for my robotic assistant!"

"Well, you're not listening to my opinion so...."

"Cause your opinion is stupid!" As soon as the words left my mouth, I regretted it.

"I-I am so sorry. I did not mean that. Your opinion is completely reasonable. I am just..... Mad right now." Surprisingly, she was not offended.

"It's fine. Not many people think my idea's are smart. And honestly it wasn't the best idea. I still like it though." I stared at her confused. How could she forgive me so easily?

"Anyways..... Now that you're feeling better can you explain why you were so mad at Cole earlier?" Hebi asked. I took a deep breathe.

I hoped I would actually be able to say it instead of stuttering random nonsense.

I always had trouble admitting when I did not know something. Being smart was one of my most important traits. It only got worse when it was something that I should know like why I was mad or why I found something funny. It made me feel miserable, knowing that I was completely clueless about something that everyone else knew. I was supposed to be the smart one, but I could not even understand my own emotions.

But I still needed to answer her. At least to stop her from asking again.

"I-I am-I am not q-quite sure."

"Huh? How can you not be sure? Shouldn't you know why you were mad?"

"Yes, but I-well-I do-it-it probably has something to do with my amnesia." I smiled. I had managed to say it while actually making sense!

"Amnesia? You have amnesia?" Hebi asked, sounding shocked.

"Yes. Did I not inform you of that?"

"No, maybe you told the others but not me. I never knew a thing about your amnesia. I don't even know what amnesia is."

"It is when you lose your memory. I currently can not remember anything before a few years ago."

"Oh, that sounds pretty bad. I'm really sorry about that. But hey, at least you don't have to remember any pain you went through!" I gave her glare.

"At least I don't have to remember any pain I went through? I do not remember anything! This is not good! This is horrible! Why would you think this is good?" My voice was filled with pure rage. Similar to when I had snapped at Cole back at the constrictai tomb.

"I didn't mean to be rude. I was just trying to find a bright side. Seeing the bright side in things makes them better." I had learned that that was not always the case. Certainly not in this situation.

"Well, it does not make my situation better, so please refrain from it." She gave me an apologetic look. I sighed. Part of me was still enraged, but the other part wanted only for her to understand that she was forgiven although I was not entirely sure if she actually was forgiven.

After a moment of silence Hebi said, "Also everyone else is doing a contest to see who's the green ninja. I'm not participating. You can though." I sighed. This again. I honestly would much rather look for answers to my past then fight over who is the green ninja.

"No thank you. There are much more important things than finding out who is the green ninja. Like finding out about my past. Or reaching my full potential."

"What even is the green ninja anyway?" I chuckled.

"It is an interesting story."

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