The Escaped (Pt.2)

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You were peacefully sleeping in your warm bed until your alarm decided to go off.
With a groan, you switched it off.
And only then did it click.

Everything that happened last night came back to you in a flash. You remembered how charming she was. How pretty she looked..besides the bloody spot that was stained on her top by her shoulder wound. She looked good in the outfit she was wearing.


The woman who took over your dreams last night. You couldn't stop thinking about her.
Thinking about Lucy made you realize that it was nearly time for you to get ready for work, so you decided on making her breakfast before you did so.
So you head downstairs to prepare her breakfast.

After you had made some eggs, toast with bacon on the side.
You left a note on the fridge for her, 'Off to work. Breakfast is on the table. Enjoy!' With a little smiley face drawn on next to it.
With that you left your home and made your way to work only hoping that Lucy was okay and that she had a good nights rest..and that she'd enjoy her breakfast even if she's eating it without you.


It was currently 17:00, you had just gotten back from a long day of work, not wanting to do anything but lounge around on your couch and order a pizza for dinner.

You walked up to your door, unlocked it and walked into a house that smelt amazing, closing the door behind you, you walked further into the kitchen.

The aroma of your favorite food filled the air.
"Hey, what's all this?" Seeing Lucy standing in the kitchen with an apron on that said 'Kiss the Chef', she was holding a bowl that looked to be a sauce of some sort.

She looked up at you, "I uh, I hope you don't mind," she set the bowl and mixing spoon down, "I decided to make dinner. As a thank you for helping me."
Your heart melted at the confession.
"Thank you Lucy, but you didn't have to." You walked to stand next to her.
"Of course I did. You deserved it." You smiled in return. You made towards where she was standing.
"So..what're you making now?," you dipped a finger in the mixture, sucking it off your finger while staring into her eyes, you released a small moan due to the delicious taste, "This is so good." "Uh," she cleared her throat and diverted her eyes back to the bowl, "its a sauce for the steak I'm making."
"Well its really delicious." You smiled, "anything I can help with?" "Not at all, but you can sit there and continue looking all pretty for me." She pointed to the stolen infront of the island, giving you a clear view of her making the food.
With blush spreading across your cheeks, you nodded and made your to sit down.

Your eyes were focused on her toned arms, which flexed, as she mixed the sauce until it was finally done. She placed the bowl down and started plating the already done steak onto your plates along with vegetables on the sides.
"That looks so good." "Yeah?" She smirked, "watch this." Lucy started to slowly pour the sauce over the steak, her eyes focused on where she was pouring, her hands steady to not over pour.

Lucy picked up the plates and made her way to the dinner table.
She placed them down on a neatly laid table, you noticed flowers in a small vase on the table too.

"Dinner is served." She smirked, you swear you could hear her voice get more raspy but didn't think much of it.
"Wow..all of this looks amazing." You made your way to where she was standing.
She suddenly pulled out a chair, "Have a seat." 'My lady.' She thought.
You sat down, "Thank you, such a gentlewoman." She pushed your chair in, both sharing a laugh as she took a seat herself, right next to you.

You stared at her, not knowing what to say.
"Well?" She suddenly questioned.
"What?" You asked, getting caught off guard by her smooth yet raspy voice.
"What are you waiting for? Dig in." She smirked. You smiled while cutting a piece of steak off with vegtables, you brought the fork full to your mouth.
"Mhm," you moaned, "this is delicious!" You went in for another bite.
"Well I'm glad you enjoy it, there's dessert too." She cut herself a piece of steak too and ate while looking at you and your joyous reactions to her cooking.
"Where'd you learn how to cook like this?"
"It's programmed in me." She said.
You laughed and she couldn't help but join in too.

After dinner Lucy brought out the dessert.
A mini chocolate cake, drizzled with rich chocolate sauce and a scoop of ice cream on the side.

She set the dessert down in front of the two of you. "This" At loss for words of this whole evening. You saw a small smile across Lucy's face, "I hope you enjoy it."

Lucy took a fork, she dug into a piece of the chocolate cake with a bit of ice cream too.
She held the fork up to your mouth.

"Take a bite." She said, rather a demand than a statement. You leaned forward, taking the head of the fork in your mouth, you looked into her eyes.
Moaning at the rich chocolate flavor and ice cream dancing on your taste buds. You pulled away and continued to experience the flavors. "Holy..shit," you lightly laughed, "that's the best chocolate cake I've ever tasted. In my life."
She looked pleased with the answer and stared at you before saying something.
"Oh, you have uh," Lucy made a move to clean the side of your mouth, that had a bit of chocolate sauce on it, with her thumb, her movements slow and...sensual.

"Oh, uh thank you." You blushed looking down.
"Don't do that." Was all she said. Confused you looked back up, "Do what?" "Look down when you blush." "I'm sorry, nervous habit." You laughed and she let out a raspy laugh too.
"Do I make you nervous?" She looked at you, there was a certain look in her eyes, you couldn't quite place a finger on it.
"In a good way...I guess you could say that, yes."
She let out a hum, "I guess that's good then."
"It is.." You agreed.
There was a moment of comfortable silence that seemed to have taken over.
You took another bite of the chocolate cake.

"Can I get a taste?" She suddenly asked.
"Of course, only makes sense if the chef tastes their food." You pushed the plate towards her.
"Thanks." She smile.
She leaned to get a kiss from off your lips.
You sat frozen, a smile making it way to your lips. She let out a low groan, licking her lips, "It tastes very sweet," making eye contact with you, "I bet you'd taste sweeter."
"Only one way to find out."

With no hesitation she kissed your lips again, it was a long kiss, filled with new emotions until she pulled away, lingering for a few seconds before pulling away.
"I seem to have caught feelings for you." She whispered, her voice low as if sharing a secret.
"I would hope since we just kissed." You giggled, smiling at her.
"I'd love to share many more." Her beautiful green eyes staring into your yours.
"I'd like that." You smiled back at her.

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