May 1998

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On May 3, Zoe Tattersall is sectioned, unable to deal with the death of Shannon. Brody became a go to guy at the race track. Keith found the body of the man who disappeared in 1981 belongs to Rodger Tattersall, who is Zoe's uncle. Narvel later tells Zoe that her uncle's body is found deceased.

The next day, Nick Tilsley forges a signature on a letter supposedly from Leanne to Darren Whateley, the murderer of Brian Tilsley, in order to trap him when he is released from prison.

Two days later, Vera Duckworth cons Jack into coming out of his put-on trance by serving him pigeon pie, supposedly made with his own beloved birds.

The next day, Steve Marchant and Kim Tate marry.

Another next day, A distressed and unstable Zoe Tattersall walks off with baby Morgan Middleton. After a search, she is found teetering on the edge of the canal bank, so does the baby.

Two days later, Zoe Tattersall is sectioned, and Narvel tells her to be exiled England.

Another two days later, Jan Glover decides to divorce husband Ned.

The next day, Liz and Steve McDonald are told that Jim may never walk again after his accident.

Two days later, Maxine Heavey buys an expensive dress as Greg Kelly is taking her to somewhere called "Viaggiatore" but is angry when he tells her that the word translates into English as "Rovers".

Six days later, Vic Windsor slaps his daughter Kelly when she insults her step-mother. Tony Hutchinson meets Jasmine Bates at a barn dance, and is immediately left smitten.

The next day, Nick Tilsley meets with Alison Oakley, the woman his dad Brian had been seeing when he was stabbed to death in 1989. Darren Whateley visits Leanne Tilsley at 4 Coronation Street. Brad proposes to Suzette.

Three days later, Leanne Tilsley tells Nick Tilsley that she wants a divorce. Elsie Seddon dies following a stroke.

Another three days later, Mandy Richardson is raped by her father, Dennis. Brad and Suzette are married.

The Tilsleys - The Soap Opera Story Part 1: 1990sWhere stories live. Discover now