Chapter 49

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"Salagadoola  boola bibbidi-bobbidi-boo," Elliott sings as he sits next to me on the picnic bench, "Put 'em  and what have you got, bippity-boppity-boo."

Everyone stares at him blankly, including myself, but Elijah can't hold it for long and starts applauding. "That was great."

"Of course, some people just can't appreciate raw talent." He gives the rest of us pointed looks.

"I'll appreciate it when it's there," I quip, earning a chuckle from John and Elijah and impressed nod from Reina.

Elliott looks so appalled it makes them laugh harder. "Sammy, babe, you're meant to support my dreams, not hinder them."

"Oh but I am. If you quit now, you won't be disappointed later."

"You're breaking my heart." He turns his teary gaze to his lap. "This is the second time you've proved that my love is one-sided."

"Second time?" Elijah asks, "what was the first?"

A stupid grin plays on my lips as I remember. "He accused me of being fickle so I said it's his fault for falling for me."

"Ellie I'm so sorry," John says sympathetically. "I should've warned you how cold Sam really is. I didn't keep guys away from her before for her sake but to protect them from her...yet something tells me you're the one who will thaw the ice in her heart."

"We're with you brother." Elijah gives him a salute and John does too.

I roll my eyes at both of them with a scoff and turn to Reina, who seems equally unimpressed. Fools. There's a reason fairytales don't exist.

"No guys. I'm done," Elliott says sombrely. "I can't do this anymore. This pain isn't worth it."

"You can't give up!" Elijah encourages.

"Why should I keep trying when Sam won't give me a chance?" he bursts out, seeming genuinely crestfallen. "I'm tired of getting played and constantly feeling dejected. It's not just the big things but the little things too. I don't think she's ever looked at me warmly. Not once."

I know he's acting and yet my mouth falls open in shock as tears fall from his eyes. "Ellie." I reach for his hand but he shrugs me off.

"Go away."


"Please. Just go."

I guess there's nothing to do but continue the charade. Sighing, I nod in defeat. "Fine." I get up from the bench and head to the apple blossom tree a few feet away, leaning against the trunk and pulling my phone out to check my messages. I remember Aunt Kathleen asking me to buy something on my way back home.

Me: Hey Auntie, what did you want me to get?

Auntie: Leeks and carrots

Auntie: And chocolate truffles for Alex

Me: Okay x

Auntie: Get home safely. See you soon.

Me: See you :)

Pocketing my phone, I start making my way back to the table only to see Elliott approaching me, John and Elijah smirking cheekily but looking away when they notice my glare. This makes Reina laugh and she wishes me good luck before turning away too. As he gets closer, he looks me up and down, a smug smile tugging his lips. I roll my eyes, feigning boredom and crossing my arms. He closes the gap between us and keeps walking, forcing me back behind the tree so we're out of sight.

"Didn't you tell me to go away? Why are you here?" I ask disinterestedly.

"I came to bring you back." He starts trailing kisses along my jaw but I push him back.

"You were right to give up on me. I'll only keep breaking your heart."

"Ah Sam drop the act," he murmurs, leaning into me again. "We're alone now."

"Are we in some sort of drama?" I chuckle, not resisting as he nuzzles my hair. "What's with the double roles?"

"It's fun, no? You play your role so well that I'm grateful it's not the real you. I'm too pretty to be rejected."

"Pretty, huh?"

"You don't think I am?" he looks at me questioningly, batting his eyelashes. "Or did you fall for my dashing personality instead?"

Though he's teasing, I take a moment to consider my answer. "Both. I fell for both."

Elliott gives me a soft smile then leans down tocapture my lips with his, kissing me slowly and gently as he pours all hisfeelings into it. Again it's like he wants to take his time with me, he's in norush and wants to savour every second as much as he can.

"Maybe I should give you a chance," I say when he breaks the kiss, referring to the charade earlier.

"So this is the way to heart?" He presses a kiss to the corner of my mouth then brushes his lips across my cheek. "Did lack of affection turn you icy?"

"I guess seeing you so heartbroken earlier made me feel bad. Where did you learn to act like that?"

"When you have three older sisters who want to kill you, you learn to win their favour somehow," he laughs and it's clear that, despite his words, he loves them dearly. Before I can ask something else, he's kissing me again and I let myself melt into it, my hands reaching around his neck to bring him closer. His hands find my waist as he deepens the kiss and I become so lost in him, I have no idea how much time has passed when he pulls away. "Sam," he calls amusedly.

"Hmm?" I lean my head on his chest, not wanting us to break apart completely.

"It's time to go."

"Go where?"

"Home. Eli and Rei have class now."

"So they can go and we can stay here."

"Come on," he chuckles, trying to break the hug and go back to the table.

"You're being mean," I accuse childishly as I drop my arms from his neck. "You can't just kiss me as you please then leave."

"I'm not. We really do need to go." He cups my face and plants a kiss on my forehead. "Please?"


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