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I went to go after him Newt tried grabbing my hand but I shrugged it off. I knew what Newt was doing. I knew what they all were.

I knew now that I was soulmates with three people. It wasn't hard to figure out after a while. As I had a connection with all of them and felt different feelings for all. But that doesn't give a right for some of them to be a dick about it.

"Gally!" I called out I tried running after him but he only kept going faster. "Leave me alone." He said "what?" I asked "why do you keep ignoring me?!" I questioned trying to get him to look at me when he stopped walking.

"You know why. You kissed Thomas a while ago and all it's been is Thomas" he said with a hurt expression I haven't seen before.

"Is that what this is really about?! Gally he kissed me!" I said defending myself. If he really wanted to be this way then maybe it wasn't going to work out.

Gally stared at me "Look damn it. I love you McKenna! That's why I don't want you near them! But I see Thomas games ! He has you wrapped around his little finger even bef-"

"before what?!" I asked yelling.

"Before the maze..." he said sighing. "Forget it" he started to walk away shaking his head. But I stopped him again. "Tell me!" I said glaring at him.

"I remember some things from before. You always had eyes for him but not for me." He said. "Even for Newt. Now, that I finally have you, it's just. They're both getting in the way always." he said angrily.

I felt my facial expression change immediately to sadness but then frustration"But Gally. If I really didn't love you. Why don't you see that I am fighting for you?" "Because I know you don't." He said.
"But I do!" I shouted.
"FUCK. Gally I fucking love you! Alright?!" I yelled running a hand through my hair  "I remember some things too! Some stuff about us! But, I know I had feelings for you then! If that means anything to you." I said calmly with tears.

He looks at me quickly coming towards me and I immediately felt his lips on mine. I pulled his face closer to mine with my hands as he put his hands on my waist, squeezing them gently as we kept kissing deeply.

I felt his tongue ask for entrance which I agreed to it as he set me down on the grass below us.

He slowly got on top of me lifting my shirt up a bit with his hands roaming which I let him.

I didn't want this night to end.

I knew we had to leave. I just somehow had to convince him to come with us.
Even if that made us put up a fight.

He started kissing my neck slowly as I leaned my head back closing my eyes.

The next day I was watching the boy in the med hut waiting for him to wake up I've been having a weird feeling about him the entire time he still looked oddly familiar.

Suddenly he shot awake punching me as I fell down grunting "JEFFF!" I yelled my lip was bleeding as I watch the boy take off "GUYS!" I yelled running after him.

"GALLY! NEWT! HES RUNNING!" I yelled I caught the others attention as they all joined me chasing after him.

I was hot on his tail but barely as he climbed up the little tower we had.

I tried to go up after him but he kept throwing things down at us.

"Take cover!" I yelled Gally pulled me next to him

"Leave me alone!" The boy kept shouting at us.

Minho and Thomas came over covering themselves from the attack.

Jeff looked at me "McKenna maybe say something to Thomas about him saying his name"

I looked at Thomas covering myself with the help of Gally "Thomas he said your name a few times maybe he will listen to you" I said.

Which was weird how he knew both of us.

"Watch your head!"

"Hey throw one more of those things at -" "OW!" Gally calls out mostly trying to cover my head.
"I don't think he likes us very much." Newt comments while trying to shield himself also.

"Go away!"

"What happened?" Thomas asked noticing my lip "I don't know he just woke up and punched me" I said that made Gally livid.

"What do you want from me?!" The boy yells.

"Just duck!"

"Hey we just wanna talk!" Thomas yells.
"Im warning you!" The boy yells.

Throwing more stuff down at us "take cover y'all' take cover!" "Hey woah hey it's Thomas and McKenna!" Thomas yelled.

The boy stopped looking down at us.

"Okay I'm going to come up okay?" He looked at me "just me." I nodded Gally wrapped his arm around me.

"I'm coming up." Thomas said walking up.

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