Chapter 112 - Chief Corbin *

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Corbin flew immediately when one of his fellow beast men went back to their village to tell him that the team of crows he sent to observe the rumored island has found a way to get in.

Their village is one of the poorest and only has two females. Almost located at the border dividing the Destitute Plains and Rimalakyans Desert, they stay at the southwest of the kingdom of Byakko. They are considered as one of the poorest for the place they live is impoverished. The Destitute Plains is like how the area is called, destitute. The place lacks of all the basic necessities of life. Only a few small villages can now be seen in this region. There were large villages even small kingdoms before but as thousands of cycles pass, they slowly deteriorated because of lack of resources. Small kingdoms turned to average-sized villages and those poor small villages vanished, leaving them no choice but to seek help from powerful kingdoms for refuge. Only the kingdom of Byakko stands strong and rich of resources in the Destitute Plains.

It was getting harder for Corbin as the chief of the crow village every cycle. There are less food to share with his fellow villagers, and even continuing their race is now a problem for it is hard for their females to even get pregnant. If they ever do get pregnant, giving birth would be the next problem and that has caused them to lose females who die during childbirth.

Now that another dead season has come, Corbin is at his most desperate on how he and his fellow villagers will survive this torturous season.

One day, while he and some of his fellow crows were out to hunt for food, they have heard some wandering beasts who are migrating that there is an island who is rumored to remain bright even at night. Since these are land beast men, they have no ways to cross the waters to investigate this rumored island. And that is how he sent a team of crows to fly over to the Abundant Plains and check it out themselves.

He has been receiving nice feedbacks about the island. And not only his race is interested in going to that place, there are the bear and elephant beast men who also sent some team to observe the island. He has a hunch that if this rumor spread far and wide, more races will send some teams to investigate. That's one reason why he sent a team as early as possible to observe and find a way to go to the island. But because of the dead season, the team of bears have to go back to their village for hibernation. Only the elephants were left to wait for an opportunity to go to this rumored island.

He also was told that the island is inhabited by a group of powerful beast men. They are not a village nor a kingdom, but a group they called a guild. It is as big as an average-sized village and diverse like a kingdom for many kinds of races belonged to this so-called guild.

Corbin is really interested about the guild but the island is closed to other beast men who is not allied with them. The waters surrounding it is heavily guarded by the crocodiles and the dolphins. He wanted to meet whoever is the leader of the guild which they call a guild master but like what Zale, chief of the crocodile village, told his team and the other beast men waiting at the Abundant Plains, no one is allowed to enter the island. Anyone caught trespassing will be killed.

He was surprised when one of the crows hurriedly went back to their village to report to him that the team he sent found a way to inconspicuously enter the island. The northern part is unguarded and they can all relocate the whole village there and stay hidden from the guild. The island is big, they won't be found out if they all stay in one of the mountains.

They found out that the island is rich in everything. They have found that the guild has tamed wild beasts and is breeding them for food. They can easily rob them of it so their village won't be hungry this dead season. He had a bad feeling about what the team he sent is planning that's why he went there with a bigger group to check his fellow crows who trespassed. And true to his premonition, they arrived late. His fellow crows who trespassed the island are all tied on wooden poles, beheaded. He understood the message loud and clear. The leader of the guild, whoever it is, is not to be messed with.

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