His Might-Be Muse

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Do you love her the way that I love you?
Do you write about her too?
In truth, I've written about her, this figment in my mind.
Could the girl I've been imagining be the one by your side?
I've heard about it in passing, how you two were together.
That was years ago, but part of me wonders if it's you and her forever.
I hope it is, for your sake and hers.
I know how much she gave up because I loved you first.

Do you know how hard I've tried to move on?
Do you see how you're not the topic of all of my love songs?
When I read them now, I wonder why they feel so cold.
Shouldn't I let it die if unrequited love gets old?
It's true that even as I try to move on, I still sing you love songs
About how much I've done wrong.
I can see myself growing tired in my reflection.
I am lost, but I've stopped asking for directions.

There's only one thing I want to know.
One more question, and then I can let you go.
Is it her?
Please, only answer in one word.
You don't need to explain, as I can't take any more than a yes or no.
It doesn't have to be specifically her though.
I just need to know if there is a girl.
A special someone who makes your heart want to whirl and twirl.

Do you dream of her like I dream of you?
In your wildest of fantasies, what does she do?
Do you wait with bated breath for her to confess her love?
Do you hope that you're all she ever thinks of?
I'm sorry that I have so many questions,
I just want to understand the reasons behind your imminent rejection.
The idea of you loving her isn't what hurts,
But not knowing is the worst.

Do you ever think about me?
Do you look at her with all that love in your eyes and finally see
My heart?
Do you finally understand how it tears me apart?
I always thought I'd love you till the end,
Though you would never see me as even just a friend.
I know there will always be a bit of doubt,
But looking at him while knowing that you love her, I wonder if I can move on now.

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