Compliments I Don't Believe

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I don't believe them when they say I'm pretty.
I think that they say it cause they look at me with pity.
When they leave me alone, it's such a relief.
He only serves to consolidate that belief.
That those compliments they give me don't mean a thing.

If he truly liked me, would he leave me alone?
It doesn't make sense that he never picks up the phone.
He likes to leave me hanging for days on my own,
While I hold back tears
Cause he makes me afraid of things I never have feared.

I listen to their words,
But I don't think I've truly heard
What they meant to say.
I like to get in my own damn way.
With every chance I give myself, my hopes fade away.

I don't believe them when they say I'm beautiful.
If I truly was, would my company be meaningful?
If I was as pretty as they made me seem,
I wouldn't be left unheard and unseen.
He would have made time for me.

He talks to me like he cares,
Then the next day, not a moment I'm spared.
The way that he treats me just doesn't seem fair.
He spoke to me first,
Yet now it seems his feelings have dispersed.

I try to listen to them,
But their words cause so much mayhem.
My mind and my heart can agree,
That they hand out their compliments for free
Cause a pitiful husk of a girl is all they can see.

My friends say I'm pretty,
But I'm pretty sure they only say it out of pity.
If they left me be, it would be such a relief.
His presence in my life only strengthens my belief.
That the words that they tell me don't mean a thing.

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