Bonus Chapter 11: save me

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Time was flying by way too fast. My due date was in a few weeks, and my back was killing me. My belly was huge, it was kind of scary. Some days I'd look at myself in the mirror and feel creeped out by how big I was. But I was having twins, so it wasn't a surprise I guess.

Garrett was the best fiance ever, he took such good care of me. I could tell he was excited about this kid. We were moved into the new house, which was technically his old house, but now it felt new. It was ours.

"It's already a struggle to move when I can see, and now you're blindfolding me?" I ask him as he helps me out of the car with a blindfold over my eyes.

"It'll be worth it," He tells me.

Once I feel my feet hit the ground, he closes the car door.

"Ready?" He whispers into my ear.

"Nope," I tell him.

He takes the blind fold off to reveal his hold house back in college. I smile when I see it, I love this place.

"Welcome to your new home, baby," He says.

I gasp and look at him, "Are you serious?" I ask in shock.

He smiles and nods.

"Oh my god!" I cheer.

He laughs as I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him tightly.

"Careful, you're gonna squish the kids," He jokes.

I laugh as I pull away from him. He smiles before kissing me passionately.

I look back at the house in awe, "This is our home now," I think out loud.

"Yup," He says proudly.

I laugh as Garrett puts his phone speaker up against my stomach. He was playing Ice Ice Baby by Vanilla Ice.

"Ice, ice, baby," He sings along.

He was convinced that this song would make our kids become professional hockey players like him.

"I do not think a song can help them choose their future career," I tell him.

"You have to manifest, Tay-Tay," He says as he gives me a pointed look.

I laugh as I lean back against the couch. I watch as he dances to the song as he continues to sing.

I look at him as he smiles up at me, continuing to sing.

"You suck at singing," I tell him.

"If there was a problem, yo, I'll solve it. Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it," He sings, completely ignoring me.

I shake my head as he chuckles. I love him.

I don't think he'll ever not be immature. But I also liked that side of him, the side of him that was making stupid jokes and laughing.

As I look at him I feel a faint kick against my stomach. I gasp and look at him, "What?" He asks.

"One of them kicked," I tell him.

"No way," He smiles before placing his hand against my stomach.

I laugh and nod before I feel another kick.

"Oh my god, another one," I say.

"I knew it! One of them is going to be a professional player, baby," He brags.

I smile as he rests his head gently on my stomach. I run my fingers through his hair as I admire him.


I was put on bed rest and Garrett was extremely worried. He was scared to leave me alone for more than 20 minutes. It was cute watching him get so nervous. He was convinced I'd go into labor the second he left the room I was in.

I've been in our room, watching TV and sleeping the most I could. But I had to get up and pee every minute.

I rest my head on Garrett's shoulder as we sit up against the head of the bed, watching Gilmore Girls. He was fast asleep and I could feel myself slowly drifting off to sleep too.

The second my eyes slowly close, I feel the sharpest pain fill my body. I gasp as I hold my stomach. I look at the digital clock on the nightstand, to time the contractions before I feel another pain.

I groan and lean forward.

"Taylor?" I hear Garrett ask.

"They're less than four minutes apart," I manage to say before I feel another one.

This time I yelled because it was even worse.

"Holy shit," Garrett says as he gets out of the bed.

"Ow!" I scream in pain.

Garrett grabs his keys and phones before he helps me out of the bed. The sound of the Gilmore Girls theme song fills my ears as I scream in pain. He leads me out of the bedroom and we rush down the stairs. He grabs our jackets before he goes out the front door. He helps me into the car before he gets in and drives as fast as possible to the hospital.

"Garrett!" I yell as I grip onto the door of the car.

"Hold on, Tay-Tay. Almost there," He reassures me.

I feel tears form in my eyes as I lean back against the seat.

God, someone save me.

When we finally get to the hospital, we rush inside and the doctors immediately take me away to go into labor. If someone doesn't end this pain I might fucking die.

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