"I can't believe this." Lily says as she stands in front of me.
I roll my eyes as I sit on the couch looking up at her.
"You're being dramatic." I tell her.
"You kissed him, Taylor. You hate that guy." She says.
"It was just a kiss. Nothing more, I don't want to be with him. He's sweet and funny but I can't trust someone like him." I explain to her.
She sighs.
"If you like him, be with him, Taylor. But I don't want you to get hurt, because you know Garrett is, he's a player." She says.
"That's the thing, Lily. I don't know if he is a bad person or not, he's so sweet to me but with everyone else, he's a dick." I explain.
"If you trust him then I'll believe you." She says as she sits down next to me.
I smile at her.
"He's a good kisser." I say.
She laughs.
"I bet." She says.
"He wants me to come to his next game. He said I could bring you and get us good seats." I blurted out.
She looks at me in shock.
"Holy fuck, he actually likes you." She smiles.
"What if he's just trying to get into my pants?" I ask.
"When has Garrett Gray ever invited a girl to one of his games and got them good seats to see him play?" She says as she smiles, freakishly.
I shrug.
"I can't go." I say.
"Why?" She asks.
"Because, I'm not his girl." I say.
"Not yet." She sneers.
I sigh.
"We have to go. All the girls are gonna go nuts." She says.
I look at her and laugh.
"He said he really wanted me there." I smile.
Her smile grows bigger.
"Just go, who cares? He's hot, and you're saying that he's really sweet. So why not?" She says.
I think for a moment. I think about that kiss and our whole day together before agreeing to go.
"Okay." I say.
She squeals as she hugs me.
"I still don't trust him but I think you guys are cute." She says.
I laugh at her as I hug her back
He really got us nice ass seats. Front row, I could see everything, Lily was jumping in her seat because she was excited to see Jake. I look around the stadium as we wait for our team to come out.
"Are you excited to see you man?" Lily asks.
"He's not my man, I don't like him like that. We kissed, that's it." I corrected her.
She smiles at me and I roll my eyes. I wasn't lying. I didn't like him, I kissed him because I felt like it. I wanted to be friends with Garrett nothing more.
All of a sudden they announce Rowan University's hockey team and everyone starts cheering.
I watch as the team begins to skate onto the ice and my eyes fall on Garrett. I looked at his jersey that had Gray and the number 15 written in bold letters on the back. I felt a little tingle through my body as I watched him skate and I thought back to the other day when he brought me to this exact ice rink. On this ice. We almost kissed. I smile at the memory before I focus back on the game.
After about 40 minutes it was the 3rd period and everyone was on the edge of their seats, including me. I didn't think I would enjoy this that much but I understood it a little more and now I was ready to watch Garrett win this for his team. He was fucking amazing at hockey, I kept hearing people around us call him the grinder. Which apparently means that he has "hands of stone". Half of these people are here to watch him which is crazy.
I watch as Jake skates with his opponent who has the puck, he swiftly steals the puck before of of the d-men from the other team hits him in the fucking balls with his stick.
Everyone gasps and Jake hits the ice, gripping his crotch. Lily and I stand up from our seats and try to get a better look.

The Bet (Book 1 in The Deception Series)
Storie d'amoreGarrett Gray was the captain of Rowan University's hockey team, he was a girl magnet, he could have any girl at his feet with a flash of his smile. He was your typical cocky, humorous jock that everyone loved. Taylor Perez was a typical college stud...