Chapter 25: big wave

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"Why don't you stay at my house?" I ask Garrett as he opens his suitcase on the hotel bed.

"Because I want you to spend time with Mom, without me being a grumpy asshole." He says as he pulls out some clothes.

"I don't care if you're grumpy. I just don't want you to be alone." I tell him as I sit on the edge of the bed, looking at him.

"I'm a big boy, I'll get over it." He says as he looks at me.

I sigh and stare at him.

He looks at him before walking over to me, he sits next to me and I look at his sad face.

"I'm proud of you." I told him.


"Because you controlled your anger tonight. You're nothing like him." I say as I place my hand on the side of his face.

He leans his face into my hand some more. He closes his eyes and I watch as tears slip out of his eyes. I feel my heart ache for him.

"Garrett." I whisper.

He sighs.

"I miss my brother." He says.

I pull him to me and he buries his face into the curve of my neck and cries. I feel tears form into my eyes as I hold him tightly.

"I hate him, Taylor. I hate my father so fucking much." He sobs.

"I know. I know you do." I whisper.

I hold him for a while as he cries. I knew he was hurting, there was nothing I could say to make him feel better, all I could do was stay by his side.


I wake up to the bright winter sun shining through my bedroom window. I smile to myself when I hear my mom blasting Christmas music from downstairs. The one thing I like about winter is Christmas. My mom goes full out for Christmas. She decks the whole house in Christmas decorations, we bake cookies and I make my amazing hot chocolate. And of course, even though I'm a full grown adult. I still get excited for the presents.

I quickly get up and brush my teeth. I grab my phone and text Garrett who hasn't texted me since I left the hotel the other day after he cried in my arms.

Me: Merry Christmas!!!

I put my phone away before running downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and see my mom wearing her christmas pjs.

"Merry Christmas, my beautiful girl." she smiles as she mixes the cookie batter.

"Merry Christmas, Mom." I say as I go over to her and hug her.

"Cookies are gonna go in soon, why don't you start on the hot chocolate." She says.

"Got it." I say before I grab all the ingredients for the hot coco.

"Does Garrett wanna come for dinner?" She asks.

"Uh, I'm not sure. He hasn't texted me since the other day." I tell her.

She gives a sad smile as I pour milk into a small pot on the stove.

"He'll come around. He probably needs some time alone." She reassured me.

"I hope." I say as I put the cocoa powder into the hot milk.

My mom finishes up the cookies and puts them in the oven.

"We have marshmallows? Right?" I ask.

"Yup, right here." My mom says as she throws them on the counter.

I smile at her.

Once the hot coco is finished I pour it into two cups and top it off with marshmallows.

I grab the two cups and meet my mom in the living room to open presents.

"Okay, open yours first." I tell her as I grab her gift from under the tree.

I hand it to her and she opens it to reveal a beige cashmere sweater.

"I know, it's pricey but you've always wanted one so I thought why not?" I tell her.

She looks at me and smiles.

"Thank you, Taylor. It's beautiful." She tells me.

I smile and nod at her.

"Here's yours." She says as she grabs mine.

She hands me a tiny present and I open it to see a small wooden box with a rose carved into it.

"Rose is your birth flower." She explains.

I run my fingers over the flower and smile.

"I love it." I tell her.

"Good, you put some jewelry in it if you want." She smiles.

I nod as I look back down at it.

The day goes on and me and my mom have tons of fun. We binge cringe Hallmark movies and stuff our face with junk food. For dinner we made pizza and then before we knew it the day was over.

I walk out of my bathroom after my shower and start to get into bed before my phone goes off. I frowned, it was 1 in the morning. I grab my phone and see Garrett calling me. I smile before answering it.

"Hey." I say.

"Hi." I hear his voice.

God, I missed his voice.

"Merry Christmas." I say.

"It's not Christmas anymore." He replies.

"It's Christmas until I feel I don't want it to be." I told him.

I hear him chuckle, making me smile.

"What are you doing?" He asks as I sit down on the edge of my bed.

"I was getting ready to go to bed." I tell him, "What about you?" I ask.

"On my way to your house." He answers.

I frown.

"What?" I ask.

"Pack an overnight bag, I wanna take you somewhere." He says.

"Now?" I ask.

"Yeah." He says.

I don't say anything.

"Please, I wanna see you." He adds.

I sigh.

"Okay." I tell him.

"I'll be there in 10." He says before ending the call.

I quickly get up and grab my backpack and start throwing clothes in. I grab my charger and toothbrush and stuff it in.

I change out of my pjs and put sweats and Garrett's hockey jacket on. I loved this jacket. I write a note for my mom and leave it on the counter just as I get a text from Garrett.

Garrett: Here.

I grab my stuff and make my way outside. I walk out and see Garrett waiting on the driveway in his car.

I get in and smile at him. He smiles back and I feel a rush of relief through me.

He backs out of the driveway and starts driving away. I look out the window at the trees and buildings when I feel him grab my hand. I look at him and see him staring at me as we reach the red light.

I felt happiness fill my body, there were Christmas lights all over the city. It was beautiful.

"I love it here this time of year." I speak up.

"Yeah, it's pretty nice." He says.

I look over at him as he takes my hand and kisses the back of it.

That's when it hit me. Like a huge wave in the ocean. I was in love with him.

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