Bonus Chapter 6: rings

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The guys and I walk into The Grill and talk as we wait to be seated. I checked the time on my phone, I was starving. I could eat a whole buffet right now.

"Follow me," the hostess tells us as she leads us to a booth.

Jake and I slide into one side while Chris and Brennen sit across from us.

"The waiter will be with you shortly," she tells us before she walks off.

I grab a menu and look through it as the guys continue their conversation from earlier. The menu was always the same but every time I came here, I hoped that I'd find something new. But that's never happened.

I look around me and notice the waiter at the table next to us. She smiles as she hands them their plate. She was pretty, I've seen her around here before, I just never talked to her. Hell, I don't even know her name. She had dark brown hair that fell across her shoulder perfectly, it was almost like a painting.

"Hi, I'm Stacy, I'll be your waiter. What can I get you guys to drink?" I hear a voice, breaking my thoughts.

I look at the end of our table and see another waitress smiling at us. She was pretty but not as pretty as the other girl.

We all order our drinks before we start talking again. We talk about hockey practice and school, and of course we talk about girls.

Once we get our drinks, we order our food and continue to wait. The guys got their food before me so I decided to go to the bathroom, hoping my food will be there when I get back. I do my business and wash my hands before I fix up my hair. I was obsessed with myself, I won't even lie about it.

I walked out of the bathroom and made my way towards our table. I noticed the waitress there, placing my plate down on the table. I smile before my phone goes off. I reach into my pocket as I continue to walk, before I run into someone. I hear a gasp before I see the pretty waitress dripping in soda.

"Shit, my bad," I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Watch where you're going, asshole," She snaps.

I was taken back by her comment but it didn't bother me. I didn't even know the chick, I didn't care about anything she had to say.

I shrug, "You were the one blocking my table," I point out.

"Yeah because I was getting your friend a drink, dumbass." She tells me with an annoyed look.

"Alright, chill out, gorgeous. I said I'm sorry." I smirk at her gorgeous face.

She glares at me but I still wasn't phased. If anything, I thought it was cute that she was pissed off at me.

"If it makes you feel any better, you look hot with soda dripping all over you." I try to lighten up the mood.

It didn't work. I think I just became number one on this girl's hitlist.

"Fuck you." She says before she pushes past

"Get this one," Chris says, pointing to a massive diamond ring.

"Dude, that looks bigger than my face," Brennen says.

"It's ugly," I say.

"Yeah, she'd break up with you if you got that," Jake says.

I chuckle and shake my head before looking at all the other different rings. I look closely before my eyes fall on the perfect one. It was the perfect size and it felt like it was shining at me. It screamed Taylor. My sweet Taylor.

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