Chapter 19: never ending

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I brush my wet hair out as I look in the mirror of my bathroom. I love late-night showers they're the best. I hear my phone buzz from the bedroom and I feel excitement fill my body.

I grip the towel around my body and run out to my room. I grab my phone off my desk and answer the call before putting it to my ear.

"Hi, Tay-Tay." I hear his deep husky voice.

My heart accelerates.

"Hey." I smile to myself.

"How was your day?" He asks as I make my way back to the bathroom.

"Good, still haven't got any idea on what to write for that stupid midterm." I say.

I walk into the bathroom and place the phone down on the bathroom counter and put it on speaker.

"You're creative, you'll come up with something." he says.

"I hope." I reply as I begin to do my skin care.

It falls silent but that's how it's been ever since we started calling each other, we just liked each other's presence.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"Just finished showering, I'm getting ready for bed." I tell him.

"Hm." He hums.

"What about you?" I ask.

"I was thinking of coming over to your place to watch some Gilmore Girls." He says.

My heart races.

"I think that's a good idea." I smile.

"Be there in 20." He says.



"Bye Garrett." I say.

"Bye Taylor."

And the call ends. I quickly get ready and try my best to not look like a shit show. I was excited to see him.

I throw on some shorts and find Garrett's shirt that he gave me the first time I slept over at his place after we watched a whole season and half of Gilmore Girls. It was the shirt that had his last name and number on the back.

I let my wet hair air dry and look at myself in the mirror. After exactly 20 minutes I hear my phone buzz.

I grab it and look at the notification.

Garrett: At the door

I smile before running to the front door and opening it.

I see Garrett standing there in sweatpants and a black shirt.

"Hey." He smiles.

"Hi, Lily's asleep so we got to be quiet." I told him.

"Quiet sex? I can do that, can you?" He sneers

"Shut up, creep." I say before he walks in and I close the door behind him.

"Nice shirt." He says.

I turn and look at him.

"Thank you." I smile.

I lead him to my room and close the door and lock it as he jumps on the bed.

"Locking the door so no one walks in on you giving me head?" He asks.

I glare at him.

"You're disgusting." I tell him as I walk over to him and lay down next to him.

"Yeah but you still like kissing me." He says as he leans over and hovers over my face.

"No, I don't." I whisper.

He smirks before leaning in and placing his lips against mine. God.

I open my mouth, letting him slip his tongue in. I moan against his lips, making him groan in pleasure.

I run my fingers through his hair as he slips a hand underneath my shirt. He reached my right breast and held it.

"No bra?" He whispers against my lips.

"They're overrated." I smile.

He chuckles before we go back to kissing. We made out for a while, and that's all we did. He didn't try anything else, and I was glad. I mean I'm not a virgin but I guess I'm scared the second I sleep with him he'll just leave me. And I can't believe I'm saying this but I don't want Garrett Gray to leave me.

After we make out, I grab my laptop and play Gilmore Girls while we cuddle up together underneath the covers.

It was perfect. He ran his fingers through my hair as we watched and then when the theme song played we'd just make out until it was over.

I never wanted this to end.

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