Chapter 15: that dimple

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I stand there as I watch Garrett walk out of the house. I look around and see everyone looking at me, Brennen stands at the top of the stairs staring at me.

"Taylor." Lily says.

I knew what that meant. She was wondering why the fuck I was being a bitch. I didn't even have an answer to that.

I sigh before I run out of the house.

"Garrett!" I yell as I watch him get into his car.

I open the passenger door and get in as he starts the car.

"Get out, Taylor." He snaps.

"I'm sorry." I say.

He looks at me.

"You know you're really hypocritical. You yelled at me for being a selfish asshole because I didn't care about other girl's feelings but look at you now. I like you and then you go get all up on one of my best friends!" He yells.

I sigh as I look at him.

"I'm sorry, it was a bitchy thing. I didn't mean to, but Brennen is so nice." I say.

"So what? I've been so good to you!" he snaps.

I look at him and feel guilt cripple through me.

"I'm sorry." I say again.

He shakes his head and it falls silent.

I stare at him. He looked down in his lap as he fidgeted with his fingers, I looked at his face. His brown hair fell a little over his eyes and his pink lips, his perfect nose.

"Garrett." I whisper.

He looks at me and I look at his hazel eyes.

"Do you actually like me?" I ask.

He shrugs.

"Yeah." He whispers.

I can't help but smile.

"Can we be friends for now? Please." I ask.

He looks at me.

"Only if you promise not to get with Brennen," he says.

I nod.

"Sure, I don't like him that much." I say.

He smiles and nods.

I smile before I buckle my seatbelt.

"Let's go to the movies." I say

"Whatever you want, Tay-Tay." He before he backs out of the driveway.


I sit at my desk and stare at the blank doc. Again.

This was my fucking midterm and I didn't know what the hell to write. I sigh.

Shoot me.

I hear the doorbell ring and I smile before shutting my laptop and running to the door to see my mom smiling at me.

"There's my favorite girl." She says before I throw my arms around.

"Hi Mom." I say as I hug her tight.

"Come in." I say as we pull apart.

I help her pull her small duffle bag in and place it in the living room.

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