Chapter 3: ignore him

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I grip my jacket close to my shivering body as I make my way to my communications class. I hate when the weather starts to get cold again, it makes me feel a little lonely. That's why I was always a summer type of girl. I looked forward to those warm days and cool nights, hanging with my friends not having to worry about anything but just living.

I walk into my class and watch as all the students make their way to their seats. I get to my seat and smile at one of my best friends, Noah.

"Hey." I say as I sit down.

"Good morning, how was your weekend?" He asks.

"Crazy, my feet hurt from work." I complain.

"Aw, poor baby." He says as he rubs my back.

I laugh a little before pulling my notebook out and opening it up.

"Lily was begging me to come to that party that Jake invited her to because you said you wouldn't go." He speaks up.

"I told her I'd think about it. But we all know it's gonna be a no." I explain.

"Aw, come on. Just come, me and you can stick together while she hangs with her new hottie." He says.

"Hottie?" I laugh.

"Talking about me, Tay-Tay?" I hear a deep voice say from next to me.

I look up and see fucking Garret Gray hovering over me with a smirk on his face.

"Get over yourself." I snap.

"So when are you free for that date?" He asks.

"Date?!" Noah asks in shock.

"No." I say.

"Yup, me and Tay-Tay have a date soon." Garret brags.

"No, we don't. And stop calling me that." I tell him.

He smiles.

"So this Friday night?" He asks.

"No." I told him.

"Alright. Sounds like a plan." He smiles before walking to his seat

I roll my eyes before looking back down at my notebook.

"Okay, hello? Garrett Gray wants to go on a date with you?" Noah asks.

"No, he just wants to hook up. Garrett Gray doesn't do dates or relationships." I corrected him.

"So what? I would die to hook up with that man, look at him. He's gorgeous." Noah says.

I look back at him and see him typing aggressively on his phone. He was pretty. He was this different kind of pretty though, it was rare to see such a good-looking guy like him. But I knew if I ever tried anything with him it would become a mess and I'd end up getting hurt.

"Yeah, no. I'll pass." I tell him.

He rolls his eyes, playfully.

I focused my attention on the front of the class and listened to what the professor was talking about.

He passes a sheet of paper out and tells everyone to pass it back. I grab the stack of papers from the person in front of me before I turn back to hand it to whoever was behind me but freeze when I see Garrett smiling at me.

"That's not your seat." I snap.

"I switched the girl who used to be here, all I had to do was flash a quick smile and show my dimple off. And poof, she switched spots." He smirks.

I roll my eyes before handing him the papers.

I turn back to the front of the room and focus back on the lesson before I feel someone tap my shoulder.

I turn around and look at the idiot.

"Do you have an extra pen?" He asks.


I face back to the front again before he taps my shoulder again.

"I can see a pen sticking out of your bag." He whispers.

I ignore him and focus on the lesson.

He taps my shoulder again.

"Can I have a sip of your water?" He whispers.

I glare at him and shake my head.

Ignore him, Taylor.

He taps my shoulder again.

"Tay-Tay?" He asked.

"What?" I snap as I look back at him.

"Is there a problem, Miss. Perez?" I hear the professor say.

I turn back to the front and see everyone staring at me.

"Uh-" I begin.

"It's my fault, sir. I kept bugging her." I hear Garrett say.

I turn around and see him standing up and looking at the professor.

"Well, Mr. Gray. I'd appreciate it if you'd put the same amount of focus you put into hockey into my class." He snaps.

I stare at the professor before looking back at Garrett.

"Yes, sorry, sir." He says before sitting down.

I looked at his face and could tell he was upset as he looked down at his notebook. I stare at his face before he looks up at me and I watch a smile appear on his lips.

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