Chapter 30: a wreck

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I stand in the freezing rain as I watch her leave. I couldn't move my body, I felt a weird ache in my chest. She was gone, just like that she left.

She was gone from my life.

I look down at the money in my hand that was soaking wet.

I somehow turn around and walk back into the house.

"Fuck you, Jake." Lily snaps at Jake.

Everyone turns and looks at me.

Lily grabs her purse and walks over to me.

"I really thought you were a good person. Congrats on winning another one of your stupid games." She says before she pushes past me and walks out.

I stand there not sure where to go from here.

"Garrett?" Jake asks.

I finally move my gaze from the floor and look up at everyone. Brennen gives me a sad look and I want to punch his face in.

"Take your fucking money, I don't want it." I snap at him as I toss it on the floor in front of me, "And don't even think about getting with her, because I will rip you to shreds." I snap before I storm into the kitchen.

I grab the tequila bottle off the counter and make my way upstairs.

I walk into my bedroom and slam the door behind me.

I chug down some tequila and look around me. I was so angry and hurt, there were so many fucking emotions. I didn't know if I was pissed at Brennen or myself because of this fucking bet.

I grab the closest thing to me and chuck it, it was a lamp that happened to be the victim.

I sigh as I fall onto the edge of my bed. I chug some more alcohol, I knew it was bad but alcohol was the only thing that could help me right now.


I drink more.


I drink some more.


I drink the rest of the bottle till I'm drunk, crying over a girl.

"Garrett?" I hear Jake's voice before my bedroom door opens.

I look over at him and see him sigh before he closes the door and walks over to me.

He sits down next to me and takes the empty bottle from my hands.

"I love her, man. I've never loved a girl before her. Why do I feel like this? Like I'll die any moment." I cry.

"Because you just got your heart broken by a girl for the first time." He says as he rubs my back.

I shake my head.

"But she loves me." I choke out.

"But you made a bet over her." He says.

I run my hands through my hair as I feel guilt creep through my body.

"It was before, before I fell in love." I told him.

"I'm sorry." He says before he hugs me.

We sit there as I cry in his arms. I felt stupid, I felt weak. I felt like a big fucking baby.

The Bet (Book 1 in The Deception Series)Where stories live. Discover now