Chapter 8: ain't gonna lose

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What the fuck?

I stared at Brennen, who had his arms all over Taylor. What is he doing?

I feel anger creep through me. He was getting in the way of my fucking bet. He's doing it on purpose, I know he is. So he wins and I don't.

I walk over to him and tap his shoulder.

He turns and looks at me.

"I brought Tay-Tay her drink," I tell him as he smirks.

He nods as he steps back away from her. I look at Taylor and see her smiling at Brennen.

Oh, come on. She doesn't even smile at me like that.

"Here, gorgeous," I say as I hand her one of the beers in my hand.

"Thanks." She says as she takes it.

"Let's start already," Jake complains.

I gulp down half of my beer before we all begin to play. After about 3 beers, Brennen and Taylor are like best friends. I'm on my 4th beer right now and I'm about ready to punch his face in.

"You're getting good, Tay-Tay." He smiles at her.

"Thank you very much." She says after she hits another ball in.

I glare at him as he watches her hit another one but doesn't get it in.

"Dammit." She says.

"So close," he says.

I roll my eyes as I take another chug out of my beer.

"Slow down there, buddy," Jake whispers from next to me.

"What is he doing?" I ask him as I glare at Brennen from across the pool table.

"Flirting with your girl," Jake says.

I watch as Brennen laughs with Taylor because Chris got the white ball in.

"I'm gonna kill him for ruining this game for me," I say.

"Garrett Gray never loses a bet. Now go get her." Jake tells me.

I look at him and smirk.

"Hey, Tay-Tay. Let's go watch a movie in my room." I say.

She looks at me.

"But the game isn't over." She says.

"Who cares? They'll finish it off." I say as I walk over to her.

"Let her finish, Gray." Brennen says.

"She's good, man." I say.

I take her hand and grab another beer from the kitchen before leading her upstairs.

"How many have you had?" She asks as we walk upstairs.

"Not that many." I lied.

I was definitely a tad bit drunk. But who cares?

We got to my room, which was the master.

"Wow, of course you got the master." Taylor says as we walk in.

"Me and Jake made a bet about who would win in the final game between the Boston Bruins and The Devils, my bet was Bruins. And well, I won. So I got the master." I explained to her.

She giggles a little. My heart jumps a little. Weird.

I take my shirt off and jump on the couch as Taylor stands there and frowns at me.

"Did you have to take your shirt off?" She asks.

"It's burning," I say as I grab the remote and turn the TV on.

She rolls her eyes before sitting on the other side of the couch.

"You know I don't bite, right?" I say as I look at her.

"Really? I could've sworn you did." She sneers.

I chuckle and shake my head.

"What are we watching?" She asks.

"Hmm." I hum as I look through shows and movies to watch on Netflix.

"Oh my god. Gilmore girls!" She cheers.

"No." I say.

"Why? Please. It's good." She wines.

I roll my eyes.

"Fine." I say before playing the first episode.

We sit there in silence and watch the show. I wanted to move closer to her for some reason, just to be cozy I guess.

I look over at her and see her smiling at the screen. She was really pretty, I'm surprised I didn't notice her till now. She had long dark brown almost black hair, she was tan and big brown eyes. She was gorgeous. She laughs at something in the show and I smile. Her smile was contagious. I loved it.

What the hell are you talking about, Garrett? You don't care about this chick. She's a bet. Who cares about her smile or her laugh? Just get with her so you can win this bet and never have to deal with her again.

I quickly push away any of those weird thoughts about her smile and laugh and focus my attention back on the TV show.

"I love Lorelai and Luke, my favorite slow burn." She speaks up.

"We're kind of like that, except your Luke since you're always grumpy." I sneer.

"Am not, I'm only grumpy around you." She says.

I chuckle.

"Yeah, right." I say.

"Fine, don't believe me. I don't have to prove anything to you." She says.

"See, that's exactly my point. Grumpy." I tell her.

She looks at me and glares.

"Whatever." She says.

We go back to watching the screen before my stomach grumbles.

"Want popcorn?" I ask her.

"Sure." She says.

"Be right back." I say before getting up and running downstairs. I walk past the living room and see the guys playing video games. I walk into the kitchen and grab a bag of popcorn and put it into the microwave and wait.

"Sleep with her yet?" I hear a voice say.

I turn around and see Brennen walk in and sit down at the counter.

"Why do you care?" I snap.

"Alright, man. Chill out, so what? I flirted a little bit with her. She's hot and cool, how could I not?" He smirks.

"We had a bet, asshole. And you're fucking it up." I object.

"Some bet, she was more interested in me than you. Are you sure you wanna keep doing this? Wouldn't want you to lose your winning streak." He sneers.

"Hell yeah, I'm gonna keep doing this," I tell him.

"Are you sure? Because what happens if you end up falling for her." He says.

I scoff.

"Not a chance. She's not my type anyway." I say.

"Whatever you say, man. But once this bet ends, I might just get with her." He says before he gets up and walks out of the room.

I stand there and feel my blood boil. I knew this was all a part of the stupid game but damn was I competitive. I wasn't gonna lose this.

The Bet (Book 1 in The Deception Series)Where stories live. Discover now